Discover How to Cultivate an Abundance Mindset

Abundance Mindset

Do you find yourself always wanting more or with a lingering feeling that you don’t have enough of x,y or z? Well, to be honest most of us at one point or another fall into an unhealthy thought pattern. Personally, I am guilty of proclaiming that I “just don’t have enough time to do it all”. And, I know I am not alone there mamas.

But, did you know that according to Psychology Today, the majority of our thoughts are negative? That means that if I had to bet on the likelihood that you are in a self-criticizing thought pattern at this very moment, the odds would be in my favor. How crazy is that?

With this reality, it is no wonder that so many are trapped within the limitations of a scarcity mindset.

A scarcity mindset leads with the overarching thought or feeling that resources are always in short supply. If you have a scarcity mindset, it is likely that you avoid challenges at all cost in order to dodge your fear of failure or criticism. You believe that your qualities and abilities are set in stone, and that effort is insignificant in pursuit of your goals.

Feature Image by John Diez 

Danielle Ravitch | Scarcity v Abundance Mindset

In her book, Mindset, Carol Dweck explores the differences between a fixed *scarcity* mindset and a growth *abundance* mindset. She even has an assessment here  that will help you determine your mindset. I highly recommend it, head on over to check it out!


So, you may be thinking, I have a scarcity mindset…so what?!

Well, did you know your scarcity mindset could be holding you back from the life you truly want to live?

It’s true! Just take a minute to focus on one area of your life that you would like to change – relationships, business, money, health, etc.

Okay, now that you are zeroed in on the area that isn’t quite where you want it to be, I have some questions for you…

And, if you are ready to make a change, get ready to answer these questions truthfully…

  1. The last time you were in a competition were you competing with your opponent or yourself?
  2. Are you afraid to spend the money to invest in yourself?
  3. When is the last time you tried something new?
  4. Do you express gratitude for what you already have?
  5. Are you often suspicious of the true intentions of those around you?
  6. Do you let your fear make decisions for you?
  7. Are you happy to celebrate the success of others?
  8. What feelings arise from this statement – Collaboration over competition?
  9. Do you take responsibility for your mistakes, or are you quick to place the blame on others?
  10. Do you have the resources + tools you need to reach your goals?

What was the tone of your answers? If you were shocked to find that they were primarily negative, then you are starting to see how the thought pattern of a scarcity mindset can affect your life. I mean, just imagine how your opinions and beliefs set the tone for your day.

But, what if that could change?



The first step to overcoming your scarcity mindset is to acknowledge that it actually exists. And, that’s why truthfully answering the questions above is so important.

Once you’ve identified the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, you can take the necessary steps to shift towards an abundance mindset. This post has more information on how to reframe your most common limiting beliefs.


An abundance mindset is anchored in the belief of limitless opportunity – resources, relationships, money, etc. And, anchored in the practice of gratitude. You must first be thankful for what you have before pursuing that which you desire. Recognizing the good in what you already have in your life opens you up to receiving more because you become more aware of the opportunities that surround you.

One of the easiest ways to create an abundance mindset is by reciting “I am” affirmations. Make sure to check out these affirmation cards to get you started.

In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill writes “…our brains become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we hold in our mind…”.  What thoughts do you want to magnetize? Thoughts of financial success, loving relationships, good health, a thriving business?

 Remember, you are in charge! But, the shift towards a life of abundance all starts with how you sift through the thoughts in your mind.

Danielle Ravitch | Abundance Mindset

Every facet of your life will benefit when you choose to cultivate an abundance mindset. Living a life of abundance must first start from within you.  Even though our brains are primarily broadcasting negative thoughts day in and day out, we have the tools we need to get started and interrupt these thought patterns.

What practices do you have in place to manifest an abundance mindset?

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  • Megan says:

    I love reading this and find ways to help myself through a really trying time

    • Danielle says:

      Thanks for reading. I am so glad you found this post helpful!

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