The Lifestyle Edit 1 | Danielle Ravitch


Welcome to your Lifestyle Edit – I am Danielle, and I am so glad you are here! After years of dieting, crippling anxiety, and cementing some pretty bad habits into my daily routine, life felt a little out of control.

Of course, I knew that something had to change but, it took me awhile to figure out what that something was. The answer? Integrating the 8 pillars of whole body health into my daily life + routines but, we will get to that in just a bit.

My hope in sharing these fundamental practices with you, is that you will be able to jump start your journey to good health, naturally – mind, body & spirit. Let’s pinpoint where your focus should be so you can get started…

To be honest, this is hard work but, the reward? Lasting, healthy lifestyle changes that will lead you to radiant health.


Sustainable Lifestyle Changes with a focus on:

  • Low-Tox Living
  • Restorative Sleep
  • Stress Management
  • Exercise
  • Soul Food…yes, soul food!

Low-Tox Living

Let’s take a minute to talk about toxic load. Our toxic load is an accumulation of all of the chemicals we encounter daily that burden our body, our organs and our immune system.

Did you know that toxins can come from just about anywhere? The most common sources are environmental threats, radiation, and through chemicals that may be in the household and self care products we reach for everyday. Toxins are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and can permeate our skin. Eww.

Exposure to toxins can accelerate aging, deplete our energy, cause digestive distress, and hormonal imbalance

So, what simple lifestyle steps can you take to reduce the toxic load on your body?


  • Buy local, fresh and organic foods to nourish your body. Focus on whole foods that are nutrient dense. A simple step forward? Avoid processed foods at all costs. You may be surprised at how much you are contributing to your toxic load when you sit down to write your next food shopping list.
  • Ditch, the toxic household and self care products. There are tons of diys you can experiment with here that won’t suppress your body systems.  Here are two of my favorite eBooks from doTERRA on how to incorporate essential oils into your green cleaning routine (click here), and how to utilize essential oils in your personal care routine (click here).
  • Detox. One of the best ways to alleviate the stress on your body (and fast) is with a detox. Check out the resource library for an instant download for simple tips and tricks to cut out the junk and start feeling great.  The benefits of a cleanse are unique to each individual but, some of the most common benefits are: improved mood, improved digestive function, and increased energy
How to Live Toxin Free

Discover how to Transition to Toxin Free Living right here.

Restorative Sleep

When is the last time you got a good night’s sleep? Can you remember the last time you woke up feeling energized and ready to start your day?

Sleep is important for us physically, emotionally and for internal functions like tissue repair and muscle growth. Some of the notable benefits to sleep are:

  • Strengthened immune system
  • Improved mood
  • Aids in proper memory function
  • Increased focus

If you are curious about why we sleep, you can read about the many interesting theories here.

Tips for Better Sleep

For now, let’s dive into some tips on how to get restorative sleep |

  1. Clear out clutter.
    When it comes to your bedroom, think minimalist oasis. You should second guess using the space under your bed for storage, and remove any clutter from the furniture tops. Be intentional in choosing what you surround yourself with in your bedroom. Make sure every item serves a purpose that aids in creating a restful hideaway where you can focus on recharging yourself for the day ahead.
  2. Keep Electronics Out.
    For our family, taking the TV out of our bedroom was an easy choice. Our eldest daughter got into the routine of falling asleep in our bed, watching TV right in between us. We knew we had to make a change. Our phones are proving more difficult. I am hoping my sunrise alarm clock will help me break the habit to scroll in bed. 
  3. Avoid Metal.
    Metal beds can act as conductors for electrical currents.
  4. Soft Colors.
    Think tranquil thoughts – soft greens, blues, and creams are great foundational choices for setting up your minimalist oasis!
  5. Use Your Essential Oil Diffuser.
    Ambiance is important too! Before bed, dim the lights and throw your favorite stress relieving essential oil in your diffuser. A few of my bedtime favorites are – lavender, vetiver and frankincense. The girls love Serenity.
  6. Bring in plants.
    Adding plants to your bedroom is one way to bring nature indoors. There are certain plants, like snake, spider, and aloe vera plants that aid in reducing anxiety and improve the air quality of your bedroom, making it easier for you to fall asleep!


Consistent restorative sleep may be hard to come by depending on what stage of life you find yourself in at the moment. If this is an area of your lifestyle that you know you need to make improvements in, I suggest taking inventory of your space and taking action to remedy any trouble spots. Then, click on the image below to grab your FREE guide to better sleep.

Stress Management

Let’s be honest, life can be stressful

Many of our daily activities trigger our inherent “fight or flight response” (which allows us to cope or deal with the threat we are faced with) i.e. baby has a diaper blowout when you are already running a few minutes late or sitting in traffic during the daily commute.

However, our bodies are not designed to handle nonstop stress. Stressors, big or small, have an effect on our bodies, minds and emotional well-being. We must arm ourselves with techniques to first identify a stressful situation, manage our reaction, then handle the stress we are faced with.


Take action, identify your stressors, inventory or journal your daily activities. Is there a common theme? This simple activity will help you to identify a common habit or occurrence that you may have more control over than you first thought. Or, it may force you to realize that a big life change is in order so that you experience a better quality of life.

After taking the first step of identifying your daily stressors (and whittling it down by removing the non-essential, stressful tasks), it is likely that some of the items that remain on your list still provoke stress. So, how can you manage your reaction and handle stress?

By eating healthy foods, a regular exercise routine, getting enough rest and instituting a self care plan!

Nourishing your body with anti-inflammatory foods is a great step towards becoming more resilient to stress – start small by splurging on a quality extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), or adding avocado to your breakfast smoothie.

Make sure you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night, this is an absolute necessity. Allowing your body to rest and recover aids in your ability to handle stress.

If you are looking to go the extra mile try to incorporate 5-10 minutes of meditation into each day whether it is first thing in the morning or right before you fall asleep. Meditating allows you to slow down, encourages you to stay in the present moment and quiets your mind


Did you know that there are four types of exercise?

Endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. It is beneficial to incorporate each category into your routine in order to steer clear of boredom and to improve your health. For example, your exercise routine may include resistance training, walking and yoga. There are many permutations you can try, just follow your interests!

Benefits of regular physical activity include:

  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Lungs are better able to filter oxygen more effectively
  • Helps to increase bone density
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Supports regularity
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Increased circulation
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Better sleep

Start slow. Whether its stretching, picking up a set of dumbbells or cardio, take it easy! Muscles have memory but it will take some time for your body to get used to the feeling of working out again. At the start, I would aim for at least 30 minutes of light exercise, 3 days a week. Once you’ve turned that routine into habit, add another layer. Like maybe extending your workouts by 10 minutes each session or adding a new class to the mix.

You can find more information on why physical activity is key to a healthy lifestyle here.

Soul Food

We all know that we can nourish our bodies with the food we eat. But, did you know that each and every day you make “off the plate” choices that can either deplete or nourish your body?


“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” – Jim Rohn.

Relationships are powerful. They have the potential to build us up or tear us down. Take some time to consider the five people you spend the most time with…For some, its a spouse, children and family members. What are you doing to nourish these relationships? Or maybe, you are in a relationship that is not serving you. How do you plan on changing this relationship in order to infuse joy back into your life?


Do you get the Sunday scaries every week just thinking about the work week ahead? Or, maybe you’ve realized the path you laid out for yourself when you graduated university is not so appealing any more? If you are not fulfilled in your career, your life can feel a little off kilter.

We, as human beings evolve, grow and change each and every day. And, for some, this may mean that the career that once sparked joy is no longer in alignment with the person you are today. Well, it may be time to pivot in order to create the healthy, fulfilling life you want.


What is your spiritual practice? Spirituality may or may not involve an affiliation to a religion for you. If religion is not your thing, there are many ways you can rejuvenate your soul, like meditation, nature walks, yoga, daily tea time, etc.

Reconnecting with your spirituality allows you to quiet your mind, find a sense of purpose, and create a harmony between the mind and body. What is one activity you can implement this week in order to make your spirituality a priority?

Nourishing your body off the plate is essential to living a fulfilling, healthy life. If you have discovered that there are some aspects of your life that are not flourishing, you are not alone. With awareness comes enlightenment.

You can create a lifestyle that brings you joy. Just pick one area that needs your attention. Start today. With small steps forward everyday you can be the architect of a life that is in alignment with your mind, body and spirit.

Stay Inspired,
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Food Changes Everything

Food is medicine.

It is through proper nutrition that we have the power to heal ourselves.

We were all told to eat more fruits and vegetables when we were younger but have you given it a try recently? By adding more whole foods, fruits and vegetables to your diet you will find your body is less likely to crave sugar, caffeine and processed foods. For starters, think simple, healthy snacks – like carrot sticks and hummus, roasted chickpeas or nut butter on a crisp apple. Any of the above is better than reaching for something out of a box or bag a/k/a processed.

Another great place to start is by monitoring your water intake. Are you getting the proper amount for your bodyweight? The rule of thumb is to drink half of your bodyweight in ounces each day to ensure your body is getting what it needs. 

Simple Ways to be mindful with food

Determining what and why you are eating takes patience and practice. But, if you truly want to control your diet and eat with intention it can be done. One easy way to implement this practice is to start meal planning. Planning your meals ahead of time will allow you to monitor your grocery list for unhealthy ingredients and make appropriate substitutions.

Another easy option to implement mindful eating right away is portion control. Figure out how much you need to eat each day to maintain a healthy weight and prepare the exact amount.

Finally, bring meals back to the kitchen table. No distractions. Make each meal an experience rather than a rushed event (i.e. dining while driving). This will allow you to slow down and employ your five senses to enjoy your meal and allow your body to intuitively tell you when you’ve had enough to eat. This idea may be the most difficult to implement but, you can start small with one meal each week.

There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to diet, and nutrition. What works for one person, may not work for another. Factors such as- age, gender, race, blood type and level of activity all have a hand in determining what nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body may require to function at an optimal rate.

Transform Your Mindset

You may or may not know this but, the constant conversation your having with yourself is impacting your daily life, and that of your future.

Have you ever done a mental inventory of whether your thoughts are primarily positive or negative? 

Did you know that your brain cannot decipher between a deconstructive thought or a constructive thought? And, that our brains become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we hold in our mind? If that idea scares the crap out of you, are you ready to find out how it can make you feel powerful?

You are in control of your thoughts! 


When I find myself slipping into a negative thought, I turn to a few affirmations or quotes to get back on track. Its kind of like snapping a rubber band but less painful. Below you will find my current favorites. 

  • “Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety.” – Gabrielle Bernstein
  • “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.” – Albert Schweitzer
  • “Success comes to those who become success conscious.” – Napoleon Hill
  • “I love the life I have while I create the life of my dreams.” – Hal Elrod

Another great way to revamp your mindset is by keeping a gratitude list. Keep a journal or notepad on your nightstand or in the kitchen cabinet, and write down three (3) things you are grateful for each day. This lifestyle tip will train your mind to seek out the positive,  and in turn make you more grateful for what you already have.

When you infuse your days with positivity you will notice a shift in your mindset. I am not suggesting that you will become immune to negative thought because they will slip in from time to time. But, when you invest in the tools to harness the power of positive thought you will be better equipped to dis-empower each and every negative thought.

Suddenly, things that bothered you before have no meaning or maybe you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone like you never imagined. 

Build Good Habits

A habit is a routine behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. Jumping in to lifestyle design forces you to take a closer look at your habits. In fact, many of us have a habit or two that we would like to replace. The bright side is that you have the ability to change your habit once you are aware of how it works. 

One of the best ways to hack your habits is by tracking them. Start small by tracking one habit. And, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What triggers your habit? The reminder or craving that sets your brain to auto-pilot…

  • What behaviors are established around this habit? The action you take to reach your reward…

  • What is your reward from going through your routine? The benefit from the behavior being carried out…

Habits can change your life, and in order to build good habits we must first assess and replace the bad habits we have accumulated throughout our lives

Brainstorm Healthy Alternatives

Once you have an understanding of why you do what you do, its time to brainstorm healthy alternative behaviors/routines that will give you the same benefit. This is one way you can overpower a bad habit. For instance, lets say you have a habit of overthinking. What can you do to break this habit?

Well, try to find a practice that allows you to focus on the things you can control in your life. Meditation is an ideal practice to incorporate into your daily routine. Meditating conditions your mind to come back to the present moment. So, the next time you realize your thoughts are spiraling out of control, you are armed with a healthy alternative to help you let go of unwanted thoughts. 

Having a plan in place to curb your bad habit is crucial to its demise

Your habits define who you are. Therefore, establishing routines (that set you up) for success is key to transforming your lifestyle. 


My hope is that this overview of the 8 pillars of whole body health has given you the courage to start designing the lifestyle of your dreams.  Start small, focus on one fundamental at a time, and build from there. Gradual, lifelong health changes will enable you to reach your current and future health goals. My message is clear, you already have the power within you to live an abundant, healthy life. However, with the stresses of daily life we may lose our way, and our true intentions can get lost in the mix.

If that last sentence resonates with you, stay tuned because there are soo many goodies I have in store for you. I can’t wait to share these tools + free resources with you as I learn to integrate them into my life as well. 

Thanks so much for being here!

Until next time,

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Healthy can be simple. Take a look at these resources for more information on how to to overhaul your lifestyle, naturally!

Want more information on how to set up a wholesale account with doTERRA to receive the most pure + potent essential oils at 25% off? Click here!