It’s Time to Acknowledge Your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs affect us all. And the truth is, one of the most common limiting beliefs has influenced you at one point or another. How long did it take you to recognize it was there? When did you decide it was debilitating and seeping into all areas of your life? When did you realize it was time to take action and overcome it? Maybe that time is now…

Together, we are going to explore the most common limiting beliefs, where they come from and how to take action to re-frame your thoughts. Because one thing is certain, these limiting beliefs (no matter how long they have been there) have occupied too much of your time and prevented you from your true purpose.

Let’s tear down the obstacles standing in the way of you designing the life you’ve always wanted.


There are limiting beliefs we can all relate to. Beliefs that at one time or another (or maybe even currently) have repeated in our minds, and leave us exhausted, worried, and quite possibly paralyzed in fear.

Limiting Beliefs | Personal Growth | Danielle Ravitch

Isn’t it time to flood your consciousness with powerful, clear, self reliant, empowering thoughts? Thoughts that position you to visualize and create your own success in health and in life? Together we will explore some simple ways you can take action and master your mindset.



Limiting beliefs come from our subconscious mind. This region of our brain has been receiving information since the day we were born. Constantly imprinting thoughts, ideas and beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation. 

What life story are you ready to break through in order to design the life you have always wanted? Are you too scared? Filled with self doubt? Or, maybe your family has always struggled with their health so, you believe it is your destiny to endure the same struggle?

Whose version of life are you currently living?


Lets be honest, we all have limiting beliefs. Which is why it is so important to acknowledge that they exist. But, can limiting beliefs harm us? 

The short answer…yes. 

Limiting beliefs can hold you back from your true potential. When you are trapped in the whirlwind of a worrisome, negative thought pattern, every day can seem like Groundhog’s Day…


The opportunities for growth, and self improvement are avoided or unnoticeable because you are preoccupied with the negative messaging that has been programmed into your mind. It is time to toss fear aside! Stop holding yourself back!

With awareness, there can be growth, and with growth, opportunity…

Are you ready to re-wire your thought process, change your story, and your future?

Limiting Beliefs | Danielle Ravitch

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Re-frame Your Beliefs & Re-Wire Your Brain

But, I’ve discovered that there are certain steps that we can take to banish the negative talk from our subconscious. Let’s take a look…

Re-Wire Your Brain In Six Steps

Here’s the thing, it took a lifetime to solidify your limiting beliefs so, it is going to take time, patience and self- compassion to rewire your brain. But, as long as you work on re-framing your thoughts daily (I suggest working on one at time a time and making the affirmation a habitual practice), compound interest is on your side. In other words, small steps forward each day add up over time. So, let’s get to those six steps…

  1. Acknowledge the negative thought;
  2. Explore where this thought originated, and welcome all of the feelings it produces;
  3. Deconstruct the feelings that were generated from this negative thought;
  4. Ask yourself why, and where this negative thought could be coming from;
  5. Re-frame your thought (banish the negative); and
  6. Create an affirmation to solidify this new, positive thought and repeat it to yourself daily (maybe even multiple times a day).


  1. Money only causes problems;
  2. I barely have enough money to get by, I am living paycheck to paycheck. It feels as though my head is barely above water;
  3. Money doesn’t equal happiness. I spend too much time trying to manage my cash flow;
  4. Am I anxious or stressed about having enough?;
  5. My paycheck allows me to design and live the lifestyle of my dreams;
  6. I release all resistance to attracting money. I am grateful for the abundance I have, and for the abundance on its way.

The most important element of this six step process is your belief. If you believe in yourself and the rewiring process, your newly re-framed thought/belief is more likely to stick and produce a positive outcome. If you do not believe, one of two things could happen. One, you give up all together. Or two, you end up just going through the motions. You put in the effort but see no tangible results, and stay where you are.

Would you rather stay stuck, or do the work and create the catalyst for change to jump start your journey towards creating and optimizing your life? 

Believe You Can & You Will

So, you see, “if you want to change your reality, you have to change your beliefs”.

I think you will find that limiting beliefs have a strange hold on us all. Whether its love, health, careers, self-worth – there are internal messages within all of us that could use some reprogramming.

Could you just imagine what your life would look like if you took the time to erase the negative messages that get replayed in your mind everyday?

Awareness is half the battle. Once you acknowledge your self-thinking is holding you back, you are ready to take action.

Envision your future self. Embrace that vision, it is possible! Then lay out the small, simple steps you need to take each day to make it happen…

Think it, believe it and take action. 

Until next time,

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