Need a Sick Day Protocol? Try this one…

sick day

Whew! This week kind of knocked me off of my feet. Almost immediately after a playdate the girls had here at home, the whole house slowly came down with a fever, and a ridiculous amount of congestion.  

Now, due to the fact that it was winter break here in New York, and because we  brought home a puppy last Sunday, we spent a lot of time at home. But, when Nora started complaining that her head was feeling “wizzy” early Saturday morning, I knew we were in for it. And, a sick day turned into a sick week…

But, almost immediately, I jumped into our sick day protocol

Feature Image by Polina Tankilevitch


Image by Vova Krasilnikov

When I am sick, especially when I become a mouth breather, I can get dehydrated fast. One thing that never fails to help me feel better fast is drinking tons of water. Now, I know we’ve all heard this before so, I will just leave it at that. But, seriously do not skip this.


Image by Liza Summer

I tend to shy away from taking medicine. I like to allow my body the time to fight through any illness I have, and then go through the healing process, naturally. That being said, I am a Mom. A homeschooling Mom. So, even though I hate to say it, I don’t have the time to be sick. And, even though it is not instinctual for me to reach for my OTC meds. When push comes to shove and I need a good night’s sleep to show up for my girls, I will. 


Integrating essential oils into your daily routine is kind of like that old saying “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. I credit natural solutions for keeping my family and I healthy throughout the year. So yes, we definitely turn to oils when we are sick too. Some of our favorites are:

On Guard – supports healthy immune and respiratory function. You can use this oil aromatically, internally and topically. Diffuse in spaces where you want to help freshen the air. Add 1-2 drops to a shot glass of water, and gargle when you have a scratchy throat. Dilute with a carrier oil of choice, and apply to the bottoms of your feet for daily immune support.

Breathe Vapor Stick – apply topically to the chest and breathe deeply to enjoy a cooling, and invigorating vapor.

Breathe Drops – help to clean and soothe the airways with immune boosting essential oils like: lemon, peppermint, eucalyptus, melissa, thyme, cardamom. These natural drops also work amazingly for soothing a scratchy throat.

Serenitythe restful blend is designed to provide immediate relaxation, using essential oils known to calm emotions, reduce tension, and promote a restful sleep.

Wipe Down All High Touch Surfaces

Image by cottonbro

Without fail, almost immediately after that first high temp thermometer read, I run around the house wiping down all high touch areas – the remote, toys, doorknobs, cabinet knobs, toilet knobs, knob knobs, you get the idea. 

Eat Healthful Foods

Now admittedly, this is something we should be doing each and every day. And, when I am sick, I crave healthy, comfort foods even more. Soup, fresh bread, veggies, and fruits – the foods that will help to heal my body faster.

Epsom Salt Bath

Image by Monstera

Adding these into your wellness routine is something you should definitely consider. At bath time for the girls, I try to grab this make ahead recipe at least once a week. But, when they are sick, we kick it up a notch. I also partake in epsom salt baths, and they are rejuvenating and relaxing. Use this recipe just before taking a nap or heading to bed. Hey, your home sick, go ahead and take all the naps. Which leads me to our final step…


Image by Anete Lusina

This is something I have a hard time with. There is always a load of laundry that can be thrown in the machine, a room that needs to be tidied up, or food that needs to be prepped. It’s like I am trying to avoid the fact that I am sick. But, resting is essential to getting better. Acknowledging and appreciating that time for rest is just as important.