How to Create a Calm Basket


Having a quiet room is just not feasible with how our house is set up right now. Truthfully, some days I have to spend a few extra minutes in the bathroom, or doing laundry to get some alone time. So, I figured I need something that can move with me, something mobile. Kind of like a pop up shop of calm. 

Hence the lightbulb moment of setting up a calm basket that holds all the things for a relaxing 10 minute break. To re-group and show up as my best self for my family. If combating stress is a daily battle for you, be sure to check out this post for a stress relief protocol.

Let’s check out what’s in my calm basket…

Here's What's In My Calm Basket

Meditation Pillow – This pillow allows you to sit on the floor in luxe comfort, and is available in many colors. I know what you’re thinking…can’t you just sit on the floor? Yes, yes I could but, my eroding tailbone would probably not like me afterwards. With this pillow, comfortability helps make your meditation practice a priority.

Cozy Weighted Throw Blanket – Truth is, if you’re someone looking for a weighted blanket, you’ll probably want it to be antimicrobial, am I right? Just kidding, I don’t care about it being anti microbial. But, this 12 lb weighted blanket is perfect for supporting deeper relaxation and calm. And, won’t be too heavy to lug around in your calm basket.

Pilot Diffuser – Not only are essential oils great for purifying the air but they can help you create a calm atmosphere too. Oils like lavender, balance, vetiver, and black spruce are perfect to keep in your calm basket along with this portable, Pilot diffuser. 

Bose Noise Canceling Headphones –  Sometimes life can feel a bit chaotic, and it can feel hard to catch your breath with the happenings of a busy household. These headphones will help you quiet your mind, and regroup when it’s impossible to quiet the noise around you. Even if it’s just for five deep breaths, these headphones are worth it.

Journal and Pen Set – I fell out of my journaling practice, and immediately noticed a difference in my mental health. Free writing, and getting my thoughts out on paper helps me to view them from a different perspective. Journaling also helps me take notice of the thoughts dominating my mind, and allows me to reflect on them. I encourage everyone to journal, even if it’s just writing a gratitude list (which also works wonders for your mental health). I love the look of this handmade journal from Etsy.

Candle/Incense/Sage Stick – Lighting your favorite candle or incense can help signal to your brain that it’s your time, and your intention is to be calm. I am using Sandalwood incense in my calm basket right now, I love the earthy, grounding smell. If you are sitting down for more than  minutes,you might consider starting off your calm session by cleansing the space with sage.

Crystals – my crystal collection is growing, I started out with an amethyst, then picked up an aragonite, and hematite. When I visit a metaphysical shop, I usually browse the crystals and let one pull me in, and that’s the one I go home with. I know, it may sound a little woo-woo but, when I do this I’m almost always drawn to a crystal that is addressing a certain problem I might be facing in my life at that moment. Whether it’s indecision, fear, anger, etc. I’m always surprised by how intuitive the crystal selection process feels.. 

Roller Blend – crafting a special roller blend that helps to combat stress is just another way to personalize your calm basket. Some oils you might want to include in your blend are – Lavender, Copaiba, Balance, Serenity, Cedarwood, Adaptiv, Frankincense, or Sandalwood.  A perfect blend to get you started would be –  

Liquid Calm
10-15 drops (each) of Balance, and Serenity in a 10 ml roller bottle. Top with fractionated coconut oil, shake and apply to pulse points.