Naturally Improve Your Digestive Health

|The post Naturally Improve Your Digestive Health appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on August 4, 2019|

Digestive discomfort is something that each and every one of us are familiar with. Some symptoms of a bad digestive system are gas, bloating, nausea, heartburn and/or indigestion. Chances are that you have experienced some level of digestive irritation throughout your lifetime. So, what steps can we take to mitigate these symptoms and ensure optimal digestive health?

First and foremost, understanding the path our food takes through our digestive tract is important for understanding how to better care for it. Check out this article for a quick look into how the digestive system works.

Why Digestive Health is Important.

The purpose of digestion is to get nutrients to each cell for optimal functioning and then to remove the waste products. Poor digestion can make the body more susceptible to disease and disorders. The following root causes often masquerade themselves as symptoms – genes, diet and lifestyle.

So, how can you determine what is triggering your digestive discomfort? It is best to keep a daily food journal. You will then be able to pinpoint what factors of your diet can be altered to aid in restoring your digestive health. In addition to tracking your food intake, you can keep track of your lifestyle choices as well. Lack of daily physical activity and restless sleep are just two factors that may be causing your digestive distress.

Restorative Practices for Optimal Health.

  • Eat whole foods
    Whole grains, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, oils and fruits
    Remove irritants like alcohol and caffeine
    Remove gluten, processed foods, high sodium, high sugar and foods with toxic ingredients (GMOs, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, etc).
    Bonus Read: Check out this post for Simple Tips for Healthy Cooking!
  • Get Spiritual!
    Whether its a weekly yoga class, Sunday service or finding time for self care. Find an activity that allows you to relax, and gain a fresh, mindful perspective.
  • Healthy Relationships
    Having a support structure of like-minded individuals in place is beneficial for a healthy lifestyle!
  • Physical Activity
    Try to move for at least 30 minutes each day. That does not mean you have to head to the gym but, it does mean you have to get up off of your couch. Those who live a sedentary life are more likely to suffer from illness.
  • Restorative Sleep
    It’s no secret that quality sleep is a cornerstone to a healthy, happy life. So, aim for at least 7-9 hours each night, in order to wake up recharged and ready to start the day.
  • Supplements
    Check out this post for more on the supplements I use to support my digestive health.

It’s no wonder that recent research indicates that the gut is our second brain. Food is our bodies most direct exposure to earthly elements. It is crucial for our wellbeing and vitality that we recognize food as medicine, and eliminate any irritants and toxic ingredients so we can thrive!

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