Let Life Surprise You

Danielle Ravitch | Let Life Surprise You

|The post Let Life Surprise You appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on February 16, 2017|

There are so many things in life we take for granted. And so many day to day activities that we overlook as mini miracles. We often work so hard toward our goals, whether it be attempting to be a infallible parent, eating healthier or moving toward the career of our dreams. It’s often in the throes of life that we forget to revel in the baby steps forward.

Being a mom is hard work. Motherhood pulls at your heart strings, it causes you to constantly question your position and perspective on anything and everything.

There is always an opportunity to teach your children, no matter how insignificant it may appear. In our house, we are finding ways to work passed the tantrum stage. Attentive to proper manners and engaging our little helper in the day to day household chores.

For instance, Nora’s job at dinner time is to make sure everyone has a napkin at their plate. Nora takes great pride in this job and loves to help out! But, one night we could have a tantrum free dinner, and the next all hell breaks loose!

In those moments where everything seems to be falling apart around you, when you think you’ve failed. Be grateful for the good in the day, you might be surprised at what you uncover.

Find the Good.

I can remember a day of pure exhaustion, which are more frequent then I’d like to admit. The house was a mess (sink full of dishes, toys out everywhere, “when was the last time I vacuumed?!”). Everyone was in a grumpy kind of mood, and I was sitting in our living room, basking in the glow of the disaster that appeared to be my life when I realized some of my daughters snack got on my pants…

I said out loud “I need a napkin” half trying to encourage myself to move to get one and half hoping someone would volunteer to get one for me. I know, lazy, but remember, pure exhaustion! And then it happened…

Nora stopped what she was doing, ran to the bathroom and returned with a hand towel for me to use as a napkin. I was in disbelief and immediately after hearing “Here mom, napkin!” the waterworks started (yes, I can be very emotional!). She was just under two years old and she made my heart melt.

This one act of kindness meant so much, it was a big step forward for my daughter. Nora’s act of kindness reminded my husband and I that all of the hard work is worth it for moments like these. And that even when you least expect it, life can surprise you….

Now as promised, here are some photos of our Valentine’s Day Dinner <3 This dinner was great because Nora helped prep, and then she actually ate a whole heart shaped slice! Now that my friends, is a victory in my book!

Bonus Read | Check out this post about enjoying the different seasons of motherhood!

Nora 2017 | Danielle Ravitch | Let Life Surprise You
Nora 2017 | Danielle Ravitch | Let Life Surprise You
Nora 2017 | Danielle Ravitch | Let Life Surprise You

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