Diary No. 7

The past few weeks have just flown by here at home, and it seems that I have gotten swept up in the current. From braces to birthdays, and starting our fall extracurricular activities, life has been a bit chaotic. As with every new season, I am doing my best to find our new rhythm while not losing my mind in the process.

the-cottage-homestead-hello-thoughts-vol.-7 - danielle-ravitch

It’s been quite some time since I shared my thoughts here on the blog, here’s Volume 6 if you really want to know how long it’s been. So, I think this is long overdue. Truthfully, it’s one of my favorite posts to write because it helps me manage my thoughts, and share some life events with you too!

As you may know, there are many projects in the works on the home front. I shared our most recent project, the chimney removal, here. And, if you join in on our adventure over on YouTube and caught our recent community post then you know what we are up to next! One thing that I can assure you is that there is never a dull moment when you purchase a fixer upper.

While I love sharing our home projects over on The Cottage Homestead, I share more personal stories right here on the blog. With that in mind, let’s chat a bit about just where I’ve been over the past few weeks.

The Start of Homeschool Year Four

Watercolors | Home school

We began our homeschool year early for year four. If you’ve been reading for some time you might remember that last year (due to our move to Tennessee and other fun road trips throughout the year) we ended our school year after the Fourth of July. 

I knew I did not want that to happen again. So, I made some changes, and as I write this post we are headed into week five of our homeschool year! Halfway through the first quarter. Yes, I am giving myself a pat on the back for this one. 

The girls and I agreed that it would be best to start homeschool in the summertime because it’s just too hot in the middle of the day here in Tennessee, and it just made sense for our family. And, no we have not missed out on any fun summer activities, we just adjust our schedule when those opportunities come up.  

We have our first break coming up at the end of September, when the weather cools a bit but still feels like summer. And, I can tell you as a traditional school kid who would typically head back to school after Labor Day, it’s going to feel fantastic having one full quarter under our belt when a lot of kids are just a few weeks into their school year. Shhh, yes I do know my Type A is showing, lol.

What I’ve discovered is that I learn something new each year we homeschool. This year, I’m throwing our boxed curriculum aside, adjusting our schedule, easing the reins, and giving a new co-op a try. I’m excited to see where this year takes us.

A Homeschool Project I've Been Working On

I am excited to share that I am putting the final touches on the free preschool curriculum, and will be promoting it like crazy over the next few weeks! This is a project that has been two (plus) years in the making, and it all started when we began homeschooling our oldest back on Long Island. Our youngest, just three years old at the time, was eager to learn right beside her big sister. And, it was an opportunity I did not want to waste. I share more about our backstory and journey in this post. That same post covers how the curated curriculum could help you prepare your preschooler for kindergarten too!

Nora Got Braces!


During the last week in July, right before her birthday party here at home, Nora got braces! This has been a long time coming. And, getting Nora her perfect smile, has been quite the journey. We are so thankful to have found so many great doctors who have put together a great treatment plan for Nora. 

Nora has had quite a lot of dental work for someone so young. Multiple extractions including a surgery, a cavity, palate expander, and now braces. And, this is just phase one! While the sticker shock is a bit unnerving, and for Nora, the pain is unsettling. We know this journey will all be worth it in the end. Justin and I have agreed that her face has completely changed after the palate expander, and we are excited to see the braces work their magic!

Nora is excited that she gets to pick a color for her brackets when we visit the orthodontist. You know she almost chose silver the first time?! And, as someone who has had braces with absolutely no color choice, I vetoed that right away 🙂

Our First Party at the Cottage Homestead


Soon after Nora was outfitted with braces we celebrated her ninth birthday right here at home. I’ve been a bit sheepish about having people over due to the state of our home at present. Let’s face it, it’s downright terrifying. 

But, I knew it was time to rip the bandaid off and get over it! It is clear that we are renovating this cottage, even if we are moving at a slower pace than most. So, I decided to welcome our friends in (it was an outdoor party). Then, everyone can be a part of the transformation process too, and join in on the adventure first hand. A final reveal is more fun once you’ve seen how far the project has come, am I right?

So, we rented a huge bounce house water slide for the front yard, blew up a kiddie pool and some water balloons. Set bubbles out on the lawn, along with some yard games, and let the kids be kids. The party was a huge success despite a thunderstorm rolling through for the first hour, and a gust of wind pushing everyone out after cake. 

But, the birthday girl had a blast with all of her friends that came to celebrate her special day, and that’s what matters most of all!

So, now you know what we’ve been up to! Like I mentioned earlier, I can’t wait for our new rhythm to flow better so I can start adding the smaller rocks back into my daily routine. Talk soon!