Dreams of Sustainable Living

Sustainable Living

|The post Sustainable Kitchen – A Beginners Guide appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on February 20, 2019 |

Do you have a dream for a sustainable life? Let me invite you into mine… the sun rises over the mountainside and cascades down onto never-ending fields of lush, green grass. From the front porch of my farmhouse, I see my two beautiful daughters playing in the distance… the land belongs to us as far as the eye can see.

Our small farm provides our family with an abundance of fresh food. We grow and harvest what we need. There is no need to run to the grocery store, other than to catch up with mom and pop…

Maybe your dream is a little bit simpler? As I write this, from my cramped apartment, my dream of a truly sustainable life continues to elude me. I am surrounded by environmental pollutants that take a toll on my body each day. These pollutants are not only on my doorstep but, inside my cabinets and storage closets as well.

Do harsh chemicals, unpronounceable ingredients and toxic scents have a designated spot under your kitchen sink? Together, we can journey toward the dream of sustainability (no matter how grand the dream may be) by taking small steps. Or, are you still unsure of what sustainable living truly means?

What is Sustainable Living?

Sustainability and mindfulness go hand in hand. Consequently, interest in sustainable living often begins by taking stock of what is around you. Maybe you are surrounded by clutter or, if you’re like me, you may have had to catch your breath after spraying too much cleaner in your bathtub (and, shortly thereafter glanced at the ingredients listed on the bottle, only to be shocked by what you unwittingly allowed yourself to ingest).

Sustainable living means making mindful decisions, and acting with intention. It’s slowing down and asking yourself, will this purchase or action have a negative impact on the environment? For example, it can mean taking the time to read the labels of the products you are purchasing. Or, cutting that shower short to conserve water.

You can also find some more tips on sustainable living here.

3 Simple Steps Towards Sustainability.

So, what simple steps can you take to get your journey started on the right foot? Well, I am glad you asked!

Replace Plastic with Glass or Wood.

If you are looking for motivation on why it is essential to reduce and ultimately eliminate plastic, just scroll through this article from National Geographic. If we don’t take action now, it pains me to say that what has happened to Bangladesh and Manila is inevitable worldwide.

Refresh Your Cleaning Supplies.

If you decide to refresh one item on your cleaning supply list, I encourage you to swap out paper towels for microfiber cloths. Here’s why – Every day, over 3,000 tons of paper towel waste is produced in the US alone. To make one ton of paper towels, 17 trees are cut down and 20,000 gallons of water are consumed. Did that get your attention?

Give Essential Oil Infused D.I.Y. Cleaners A Try!

Whether its an All-Purpose Spray, Wood Polish or Garbage Disposal Refreshers – doTerra has you covered! Some of the best oils for cleaning are – Lemon, Eucalyptus, Lavender, and Melaleuca to name a few!

Removing harsh chemicals for natural alternatives is just one small way we can make a big impact in the longevity of our environment, and our daily lives.

Sustainability is defined as the “avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance”. Above all, each of us must make it our personal mission to live a more sustainable life. Similarly, if we as individuals choose to be more mindful and decide to implement just one of the changes suggested above, our planet would benefit tremendously.

That is to say, sustainable living is not out of reach. If your journey to a sustainable home has just begun, start small, take it one room at a time. And, if you’re a seasoned, sustainability pro, what steps did you take to jump start your sustainable lifestyle?

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