Improve Your Eating Habits

|The post Improve Your Eating Habits appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on November 24, 2019|

So, you want to improve your eating habits? I mean, that’s why you’re here right? Well, the truth is we can all use a little improvement in this area of our lives because recent statistics are a bit scary.

According to the World Health Organization, worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. That’s the bad news. The good news? Obesity and overweight are 100% preventable. What you have to decide is if you are worth the work it takes to maintain good health and wellness.

The answer? An obvious YES!! However, health and wellness has a different meaning for everyone…its not one size fits all. But, I do believe there are basic foundational principles that we should have in place to get on the right track. And, I am going to share a few of those principles with you below.

First, lets figure out just what it means to eat healthy…

Healthy Eating for Beginners.

We were all told to eat more fruits and vegetables when we were younger but have you given it a try recently? By adding more whole foods, fruits and vegetables to your diet you will find your body is less likely to crave sugar, caffeine and processed foods. For starters, think simple, healthy snacks – like carrot sticks and hummus, roasted chickpeas or nut butter on a crisp apple. Any of the above is better than reaching for something out of a box or bag a/k/a processed.

Another great place to start is by monitoring your water intake. Are you getting the proper amount for your bodyweight? The rule of thumb is to drink half of your bodyweight in ounces each day to ensure your body is getting what it needs. Check out these amazing sustainable water bottles. Carrying one of these around is a surefire way to get in your daily ounces.

Benefits of Improving Your Eating Habits.

Let’s face it, the majority of our population is stuck in a perpetual rat race. Constant stress, commuting, and overloaded schedules. All of which don’t favor healthy eating unless we are intentional with our efforts.

It’s no secret that we are in a society that promotes convenience and processed food over healthy, fresh foods. But, our bodies are not meant to process the amount of salt, sugar and preservatives that are in most of our daily diets. If you ever find yourself questioning what you should be eating, just remember, eat fresh, eat local, eat organic! And, if you are curious about how much sugar you should consume each day, check out this post.

There are a ton of benefits to improving your eating habits. Eating healthy can help you overcome exhaustion, lose weight, and even prevent disease. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Check out this post about how eating healthy can help boost your immunity too.

3 Quick and Simple Tips for Healthy Eating.

  • Reach for Nutrient Dense Foods
    Low in calories, high in vitamins and minerals, nutrient dense foods are great at keeping us healthy. Grains like quinoa or fruits like blueberries and cantaloupe are great examples. Lately, I have been making buddha bowls for lunch throughout the week. If you don’t know what I am talking about, you must head to Pinterest immediately (you can thank me later). They are absolutely delicious, no microwave needed, and very filling.
  • Twenty (20) Chews
    Have you ever given any thought to the amount of times you chew your food? I have certainly been guilty of eating on the run, or trying to get a quick bite in between appointments. Taking the time to chew each forkful will aid in digestion, allow your body to get more nutrients out of each bite, and may create a more mindful eating experience.
  • Update Your Plate
    Did you know that the USDA no longer uses a food pyramid to help guide us with our daily diets? In 2011, the USDA introduced MyPlate to serve as a reminder for healthy eating, you can read more about that here. However, their guidelines are slightly different than what I would suggest. At each meal, your plate should be primarily whole grains and vegetables. Followed by fruit and lean protein. You should aim to drink water at every meal (to aid in digestion and get in those ounces). And, use healthy fats, like extra virgin olive oil in moderation.

Which tip will you implement to kick start your journey to healthy eating?

Improving your eating habits is a lifestyle choice. Maintaining optimal health is a lifelong journey. When you’ve reached your desired goal, you can’t just toss your new found healthy habits aside. Otherwise, you will find yourself right back at square one.

Navigating nutrition can feel complex when you are trying to figure it all out but, it doesn’t have to be! Knowing you want to make the change is the first step to figuring out what healthy eating means for you. Remember there is no quick fix, a diet that works for you may not work for your best friend and if something isn’t working, switch it up!

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