Essential Oils 101

Get Oils! | Danielle Ravitch

|The post Essential Oils 101 appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on April 10, 2019|

Have you ever had head and neck tension? Felt that afternoon slump? Or found yourself looking for a way to ease your stress and anxious feelings? The good news is, there are natural ways to alleviate each of these concerns and more!

Essential Oils Defined.

Essential oils are natural, highly concentrated compounds found in the roots, bark, seeds, flowers or other areas of a plant. Also referred to as volatile aromatic compounds, essential oils give a plant its aroma, and play a role in pollination. Throughout history we have used oils for personal care, aromatherapy, food preparation and healthcare practices.

How to Use Essential Oils.

There are three ways that you can use essential oils – aromatically, topically and internally. Utilizing essential oils to improve your health, and promote your overall well-being is natural, safe and often generates a quick response to your health concern. The best way to start using them is to figure out where, when and how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

  • Have you ever wondered how the harsh chemicals in your cleaners are affecting your family?
  • Do you experience digestive discomfort?
  • Do you fall victim to sharp head and neck tension?
  • Would you like to strengthen your immune system and trade in your sick days for vacation days?
  • Are you looking for a way to ditch that afternoon cup of coffee?

If you answered “yes” to just one of these questions then you might have use for essential oils after all!

Aromatic Use.

The aromatic use of essential oils can be particularly helpful for improving or managing mood. One of the easiest ways to benefit from essential oils aromatically is by diffusing them. If you do not have a diffuser on hand you can simply smell the oil straight from the bottle or put a drop in your hand, rub them together, hold the palms of your hands close to your face, and breathe in.

Bonus Tip: Mix your favorite oil with water in a spray bottle for an all natural febreeze!

Topical Use.

Next, let’s go over topical use. There are many points on the body were it is safe to apply oils topically, these areas include:

  • Neck
  • Forehead and temples
  • Chest and abdomen
  • Arm, legs and bottom of feet

Areas to be avoided are:

  • Around the eyes
  • Inner ear and eyes
  • Broken, damaged or injured skin

It is important to keep in mind that some essential oils should always be diluted when used topically, those oils are – Cinnamon, Geranium, Lemongrass and Oregano. When using topically on kids, I always dilute the oil with a carrier oil due to their sensitive skin. Better safe than sorry!

Bonus Tip: Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil in a warm bath. I like to use Lavender because it eases tension and promotes relaxation.

Internal Use.

Did you know that essential oils can be used as a substitute to herbs? This is one way to experience them internally. With oils like rosemary, basil and cilantro, you never have to worry about your herbs going bad again! It seems like that happens instantaneously for me!

Bonus Tip: Add a drop of lemon to your morning glass of water. Lemon aids in detoxification.

The Best Place to Start.

Essential oils are accessible to everyone, and the best place to start is with the most versatile oils that can be used aromatically, topically and internally – so you get the most bang for your buck!

Peppermint oil is a great all natural breath freshener. It can also be used first thing in the morning if you are looking for a morning energy boost. Simply massage the oil into your temples. Diffusing peppermint helps promote feelings of easy breathing and clean airways.

The Most Versatile Essential Oils

Lemon oil can be added to a glass of water for a more refreshing beverage. Not to mention, it is also a very powerful natural cleaner! You can test this out by adding a few drops of lemon oil with water to a spray bottle and cleaning your countertops. You can also use lemon oil to remove residue from your hands.

Lavender oil when applied to the skin, can reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. Add a few drops of lavender to a spray bottle with water, and spray over your bed linens to promote a more restful sleep. Add lavender to your evening cup of tea to ease feelings of tension.

I am excited to keep learning and experiencing new ways to use essential oils each day, and I hope this post has inspired you to do the same! Do you use essential oils to combat health concerns? Let me know your favorites in the comments!