Backyard Project Phase One – Clearing Overgrown Weeds

Now, we haven’t been shy about the fact that this farmhouse, and the land along with it, was totally neglected before we moved in this summer. Truthfully, this home was sitting vacant for well over 18 months before we ever turned the key in the door. That time allowed for the prickly bushes, poison ivy, and weeds to run wild, making phase one of this backyard project feel insurmountable.

Time For a Mini Flashback

When we took our first trip down here in mid-July, I think we were all kinds of shocked at what we signed up for. We couldn’t even find the walkway to the front door because the landscaping was overgrown. Then, the interior presented its own set of challenges – i.e cobwebs, mouse droppings, and wonky floorboards. We took care of two out of three so far. 

If you want to find out what I mean,  I walk you through our first visit to our East Tennessee farmhouse in this video right here.

Nevertheless, we’ve been slowly working our way through a list of small projects to make our home more comfortable inside and out. Before we get started on the true renovations. And, this backyard project was a long time coming. 

Something you should know is that we are weekend warriors when it comes to this DIY farmhouse renovation of ours. Justin is very busy at work during the week. And, as the primary keeper of the home, alongside homeschooling, my schedule isn’t exactly free either. But, when Friday rolls around we usually look at each other, and name off a few projects we have on our to-do list for the weekend ahead. 

For me, this weekend’s priority number one was clearing out our overgrown backyard. I spend so much time inside the house during the week, it was the perfect opportunity for me to get outside, zone out, and accomplish something major that would benefit our entire family. 

The Backyard Project Continues

Clearing out this space took one Ryobi weedeater, a whole lot of battery charges, and a ton of sweat equity. I am so proud of what I was able to accomplish. So much so that I spent about 15 minutes by the pond looking out over the backyard just envisioning what the space will transform into over the upcoming months. We did promise the girls a clubhouse and trampoline after all (I’m still trying to get Justin to agree to an above ground pool). 

But this portion of the backyard is earmarked for quality family time. Beyond the pond, well that’s where we want to keep some farm animals. But, that’s a story for another day…