Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap 10.26.21 } Danielle Ravitch

Hey there! Welcome back, I hope your weekend treated you well. As it turns out, for our family, the weekend is slowly turning into the busiest time of the week. With soccer practices on Saturday and Sunday, cramming in fall festivities and regular errands that are easier to do with two sets of hands than one – it can get pretty hectic around here.

Have you ever heard of the flat Stanley project? Well, my niece and sister in law asked us to take her flat Stanley around New York so she can cross this state off of her list. The girls and I were so excited when the envelope arrived from its previous destination (we were actually on the phone with my niece when it arrived in the mail).

After sharing the safe arrival of this very important package, I put the envelope on the top of our fridge. It’s where we keep important things so they are easily accessible but away from little hands. And, that is kind of where our weekend story begins…


The girls and I love spending time at farms on the East End here on Long Island. Most have a ton of activities to keep the girls busy for hours, and we were in serious need of a little break. Especially since our weekends had become so busy. So, we decided to delay our school day and head out to the farm for the morning.

It was around 9:30 a.m. when we stopped at a local bagel place to grab some breakfast on the go. The sun was shining, so it was warm but the air was crisp. We had tunes on (I think Campfire Nights on Spotify) that kept our spirits up as we took the drive on the 495 heading East. But, when we pulled into the parking lot of the farm (40 minutes later), it hit me….

I let out a huge gasp, and cried… “I (expletive) forgot flat Stanley!!!”

The girls both declared we needed to go back home to get him, and I agreed. So, yes we took the 40 minute drive on the 495 back West, and when we arrived home I confidently walked to the kitchen to grab flat Stanley off of the fridge. But, guess what?! The envelope was missing….

Panic ensues…

After a few minutes of shouting “how could it be missing?!?!” and feverishly texting my husband who happened to be at work, I started to tear the house apart. Long story short, the original flat Stanley has continued on its journey solo. I half believe when we pack things up around here for our move this summer we will find her in some obscure corner of the house.  

So, obviously I had to break the news to my brother, sister – in –law and niece but, I had a plan! I would make a new flat Stanley, and take it to the farm. Take a few pictures, just in case they decided to go with the new one, to keep up flat Stanley’s travel schedule. And, pray that when Justin came home he would use his superpowers to find the original. Imagine my surprise when he just looked in all the same places I did earlier that day…

When we arrived at the farm (the second time), we were all ready to get out and enjoy the fresh air and farm fun. And, that’s just what we did. It was our second time visiting Waterdrinker Farm but, this year they opened their new brewery, Long Island Farm Brewery. I have been on a serious craft beer kick this fall so, I took a peek inside.

Waterdrinker Farm, Manorville, New York

The tasting room looks awesome! It’s located in Waterdrinker’s old potato barn but, you could never tell. The inside feels modern and inviting, and the vibe was casual and laid back. The crowd was just happy to be there to experience having a pint on the farm. It would be a perfect way to end your afternoon with the family. There was a food truck parked right outside the brewery’s tasting room, and it stays open for a few hours after the farm closes.

I suggest visiting during the Sunflower Festival. The fields of sunflowers are truly a beautiful site and the perfect fall photo op. Our family has plans to visit during the Winter Wonderland festival to try out their outdoor ice rink. I will definitely keep you posted on that adventure!


The Confession. After one last go looking around the house for flat Stanley, I decided to bite the bullet and facetime my brother to let him know what happened. After about 15 minutes of him happily teasing me for my misdeed, I realized that it wasn’t as big of a deal as I made it out to be in my head. Oh, don’t get me wrong they were definitely upset but, found it funny that flat Stanley got lost on his second stop around the country. Phew!

One last update on flat Stanley: a new version is on the way back to New York for a redemption visit! Fingers crossed for a safe and exciting adventure here on Long Island. Seriously, that cannot happen again.

At around noon that same day it was time for Sadie’s soccer practice + game. During her first game, she had so much fun running around with the other kids on the field but, this time…when she was called on the field she just stood there. It so happens that it did start to rain so, if you can, picture this – she had a fall jacket on, looking up at the sky with her hands outstretched (to feel the rain drops) as the game continued on behind her….

By the end of the game, Sadie did start to run with the herd of kids after the ball so, I will take that as a win. Eh, we will try again next week. Try being the optimal word.

After soccer, we headed out to a local hibachi restaurant for lunch. It was delicious, and better than scrambling to figure out what to make at the last minute. After filling our bellies with yummy hibachi, we headed home to rest before spending the evening at the downtown Riverhead Halloween Fest.

Halloween Fest

The girls were super excited to wear their Halloween costumes. This year Nora is a vampire and Sadie is Shine from the TV show, Shimmer and Shine. If you hear the theme song, it will be stuck in your head for days! I’m singing it to myself as I write this, lol.

After trick or treating at the local shops, we headed into Breathe, a metaphysical gift shop. I carry an amethyst on my keychain and the girls have been dying to get a crystal of their own. Nora picked out a rose quartz necklace that can hold essential oils inside, and Sadie picked out a point of her own. Admittedly, I’ve forgotten the name of the crystal she chose.

I was drawn to the incense. I haven’t burned incense in what feels like forever but, it has been going non-stop since we brought them home. Some of the scents I grabbed were – Fairy Dust, Desert Sage and Myrrh. In the future, I really want to scoop up a singing bowl and figure out how to use one.


The day Nora quit soccer. To be honest, Nora started soccer on a whim. She decided to join after Sadie said she wanted to try soccer this year. It was only $20 for the entire year, plus cleats, shin guards and ball. So, I figured what the heck let’s give it a try.

During her first game, she scored the one and only goal for her team. But, after that momentous occasion, she kind of tuned out and was only interested in socializing with her team mates. To be honest, her coach doesn’t really have a good handle on the team. And, Justin was surprised to find that Sadie’s practices were better run then Nora’s.

Most of the players on Nora’s team have no knowledge of the fundamentals of the game but, the coach didn’t start focusing on fundamentals until last week’s practice. I guess he was tired of the team losing every game.

Nora was dreading going to practice and games. She would start saying that she didn’t feel well enough to go, and Justin and I would look at each other, with the understanding of what was really happening. But ultimately, it was Justin who gave his blessing on Nora quitting soccer.

Why? Well, he started playing hockey at the age of five and remembered that his practices were more structured, even then. He was taught good sportsmanship, the fundamentals of the game and the importance of working together as a team. And, he saw none of those things happening for Nora’s team.

This was not an easy decision to make. Both of us grew up playing sports and quitting the team was never an option. But, then again that came down to the effectiveness of the coach, the practices, and the team culture.

With his blessing, Justin told Nora that she cannot quit gymnastics. So, she has to at least finish out the year. Hopefully by the end of the year she will reach her goal of doing a cartwheel for the first time. Something I still cannot do, don’t judge me!

After a morning of making last minute edits to my YouTube video and tidying up the house, Justin took the girls to spend a few hours at their grandparents’ house while I grabbed our library order and went food shopping. Afterwards, I made the most delicious Irish Beef Stew for dinner. You should give it a try it’s perfect for the colder months ahead.

What was the best part of your weekend?