Think You Know the Style of Our Cottage?

Do you know what style your home is? For some, the answer may instantly pop into your head – traditional, modern, farmhouse, split-level, Victorian… you get the idea, right? Well, here’s the thing, I have absolutely no idea what kind of style our 1940s cottage is supposed to be, and that bothers me…

east tennessee cottage homestead

When I did a bit of research online, I discovered that there are several different homes that were built around the time of our cottage. Which, in case you were wondering, is 1946. But, after looking into each one of these styles, I never had an “a-ha” moment. Some of the elements ticked off boxes but none were an exact fit.

So, that got me thinking (cue lightbulb moment) …. 

What kind of home do I want our house to be?

The possibilities are endless!!

But before we go off into la-la land about said endless possibilities, want to see the floorplan of our home when we purchased our cottage back in 2022? Well, you can find that right here. This post details our 1100 square foot single level home perfectly.

But, as you know, we are renovating, and revising the floor plan is part of that transformation. So, don’t get too attached to what you see. There will be more updates on the reconfiguration of our home in the posts to come!

Discovering our cottage style admist renovations

However painstakingly slow the renovations of our cottage have progressed, wondering how to bring it back to life has always been at the forefront of my mind. This cottage is basically a long rectangle, completely void of character or style.

We have been focused on peeling back the layers, removing the dated wood panels, updating all the home systems (plumbing, heating, etc.), and making sure our home is structurally sound. So, we aren’t as far along as we hoped to be by now.

In the past, I have shared our renovation projects over on our YouTube channel. But, for one reason or another over the last year. I became overwhelmed by it all and stopped filming our progress. A decision I regret but that was necessary at the time. And, that may change but I am not making any promises.

As I am typing this, our HVAC system is being completely replaced. It’s currently sixteen degrees outside, and yes, I have multiple pairs of socks on, and too many layers for someone who is indoors. After this project is buttoned up (one of the few items we have outsourced) we have one more system to tackle, plumbing. Then we can focus on the finishing touches – paint colors, flooring, lighting, furnishings – all the fun stuff!

So, what style will we infuse into this farmhouse, country cottage? Craftsman! I cannot wait to see how this all plays out, but I am thinking thick columns on the front porch, maybe some clapboard siding, with a cozy earth toned interior. Hopefully filled with craftsman charm.

Would you choose the craftsman style for this cottage? Let me know in the comments!