The Best Homemade Makeup Remover

This homemade makeup remover is easy to make, and will leave your skin feeling fresh, and rejuvenated. Made with a combination of natural products and essential oils, this d.i.y. make up remover recipe can be modified for all skin types.

Makeup Remover | Danielle Ravitch

The days can seem long here at home. Between homeschooling, everyday household duties, and work projects keeping me busy, some days mustering up the energy to complete a night time skin care routine can feel impossible.

But, that feeling I get when I wake up with yesterday’s make up on my face, isn’t the best way to start the day either.  I have dry, sensitive skin so, going to bed with make up on for just one night can truly have major effects on my skin. So, I have learned that while I cannot skip over my nightly skin care routine, there are ways that I can make it easier. And, having DIYs like this one on hand really help…

For the past few years, I have been working on using more natural products here at home. Whether it’s swapping out household cleaners or personal hygiene products, I am always on the lookout for ways to reduce our toxic load. One way I have been able to do that is by incorporating essential oils into my daily routine. And yes, essential oils are a part of this DIY recipe too.

If you are new to essential oils, check out this post about how to use them, or this post on why incorporating essential oils into your routine could be the natural approach to healthcare that you’ve been looking for.


  • Witch Hazel (for oily skin)/Aloe Vera Juice (for dry/sensitive skin)
  • Fractionated Coconut Water
  • Purified Water
  • Essential Oil (Tea Tree, Lavender, Frankincense)


  • Cotton Rounds
  • 8 oz Airtight Jar with Metal Clamp

    Lately, I’ve been picking up my glass jars from Michaels but, if you want to grab more than one at a time I’m sure you can find a better deal.

All Natural Ingredients

Witch hazel is an astringent made from the hamamelis virginiana plant. It can remove excess oil from the skin, reduce inflammation, and tighten pores.

Aloe vera juice is from the aloe vera plant, a succulent that has been used for centuries due to its healing properties. This ingredient is the perfect alternative to witch hazel for those of us with dry or sensitive skin because of its moisturizing, and restorative properties. If/when I get a sunburn during the summer, I will often apply aloe vera juice straight to my skin. It doesn’t have any alcohol that most gels in the store have which can tighten the skin.

Fractionated Coconut Oil, this carrier oil is great to use on its own as well, because it is hydrating, without a greasy after effect; perfect for softening and soothing your skin.


Tea Tree essential oil has powerful cleansing properties. Add a drop of this essential oil to your favorite cleanser or moisturizer to keep your skin clean and healthy. First discovered in Australia, this plant has been used for centuries to ward off colds and illness.

Lavender essential oil is not only calming but, can soothe and heal skin as well. It would be the perfect essential oil to add to this recipe if your skin is in need of a little extra nourishment.

Frankincense essential oil is a bit pricier than Lavender and Tea Tree but, I think it is worth it! I’ve used this oil topically, and internally. But to be honest, I’m a little bit weary of adding it to my diffuser because of the profound effects it has when used in other ways. Topically, this essential oil is soothing, and can help to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections (ahem, those pesky fine lines and wrinkles).


  • 2 tablespoons witch hazel or aloe vera juice
  • 2 tablespoons fractionated coconut oil
  • 1-2 drops essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons purified water

Combine witch hazel or aloe vera juice (depending on your skin type), fractionated coconut oil , and purified water in a small bowl or measuring cup.

Add essential oil of choice – Tea Tree, Lavender, or Frankincense.

Add enough cotton rounds to fill up your 8 oz airtight glass jar, and then pour the mixture over the cotton rounds.

Close lid, and shake so mixture is evenly distributed throughout the jar.

Prepare to be amazed! Use 1 or 2 cotton rounds to remove makeup from eye area and face.

  • Take extra care when using around your eyes. Make sure your eye is closed as you gently press the cotton round onto your skin.
  • A glass dropper bottle may be used instead of a airtight glass jar.

Homemade Makeup Remover

This homemade makeup remover is easy to make, and will leave your skin feeling fresh, and rejuvenated. Made with a combination of natural products and essential oils, this d.i.y. make up remover recipe can be modified for all skin types.


  • 2 tbsp witch hazel or aloe vera juice
  • 2 tbsp fractionated coconut oil
  • 1-2 drops essential oil
  • 2 tbsp purified water


  • Combine witch hazel or aloe vera juice (depending on your skin type), fractionated coconut oil , and purified water in a small bowl or measuring cup.
  • Add essential oil of choice – Tea Tree, Lavender, or Frankincense.
  • Add enough cotton rounds to fill up your 8 oz airtight glass jar, and then pour the mixture over the cotton rounds.
  • Close lid, and shake so mixture is evenly distributed throughout the jar.
  • Prepare to be amazed! Use 1 or 2 cotton rounds to remove makeup from eye area and face.


  • Take extra care when using around your eyes. Make sure your eye is closed as you gently press the cotton round onto your skin.
  • A glass dropper bottle may be used instead of a airtight glass jar.