Simple Tips for Managing Stress

Simple Tips for Managing Stress

|The post How Do You Relieve Stress appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on March 13, 2019|

Let’s be honest, life can be stressful. I would love to have immunity to daily stress but, it appears my childhood ways have followed me, and my eyes are truly bigger than my stomach – I overload my calendar and to do list to maximize potential when in reality, I am just setting myself up for a busy and frantic day.

Programming my mind to believe that I may only get one thing done on my mile long to do list each day has been an uphill battle. As a mom to two (in daycare), with a full time job, who is currently building my own business, I find myself very busy. I am certainly not immune to stress. So, I became increasingly interested in figuring out what happens when we are stressed, and investigating the best ways to decrease/manage stress.

What is Stress?

Stress is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances”. Many of our daily activities trigger our inherent “fight or flight response” (which allows us to cope or deal with the threat we are faced with) i.e. baby has a diaper blowout when you are already running a few minutes late or sitting in traffic during the daily commute.

However, our bodies are not designed to handle nonstop stress. Stressors, big or small, have an effect on our bodies, minds and emotional well-being. We must arm ourselves with techniques to first identify a stressful situation, manage our reaction, then handle the stress we are faced with.

Bonus: Take action, identify your stressors, inventory or journal your daily activities. Is there a common theme? This simple activity will help you to identify a common habit or occurrence that you may have more control over than you first thought. Or, it may force you to realize that a big life change is in order so that you experience a better quality of life.

How Stressed Are You Meme

How Does Stress Affect Your Body?

For some, there are times when stress can be all encompassing. This feeling is easy to understand once you discover the areas of the body most targeted when we experience stress. Some of the side effects of stress include:

  • headaches
  • insomnia
  • weakened immune system
  • high blood pressure
  • stomachache
  • fertility problems

Finding yourself in a state of constant stress can be overwhelming. You may think “how did I let this spiral out of control?”. The answer? Baby steps. Oftentimes when we come out of a stressful situation relatively unscathed, we add more to our already overcrowded plate. This could mean taking on extra responsibilities at work (in the climb up the ladder) or slacking off on the laundry and coming home to what seems to be an insurmountable mountain of dirty clothes.

The problem here is that these small actions and daily decisions combine to make us feel overwhelmed and overworked or STRESSED! Can this be fixed? Of course! But, you are going to have to dig yourself out the same way you got yourself into it… baby steps.

A Simple Tip to Reduce Stress.

I’ll reference what appears to be a go to tactic in my arsenal – write it down! Itemize and prioritize your daily tasks. Find a few things you can stop doing right away. Whether that means delegating it to someone else or coming to the realization that the task in question is not moving the needle forward, and nix it all together.

Buying a planner is an excellent way to stay on top of all of your to do’s and plan out each day. I find that a daily planner is best. A tip I was given is to set aside some time each Sunday to plan out your week. Make this a ritual and you will find yourself feeling less stressed, and probably way more organized too!

Simple Tips for Managing Stress | Affirmation

Bonus Read: Check out this article for a closer look on “The Effects of Stress On Your Body”.

How to Manage Stress.

After taking the first step of identifying our daily stressors, it is likely that some of the items that remain on your list still provoke stress. So, how can you manage your reaction and handle stress?

By eating healthy foods, getting enough rest and instituting a self care plan! Nourishing your body with anti-inflammatory foods is a great step towards becoming more resilient to stress – start small by splurging on a quality extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), or adding avocado to your breakfast smoothie.

I am experiencing first-hand that getting the proper amount of rest is paramount to living a healthy life. Making sure you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night is an absolute necessity. Allowing your body to rest and recover aids in your ability to handle stress.

If you are looking to go the extra mile try to incorporate 5 minutes of meditation into your daily routine whether it is first thing in the morning or right before you fall asleep. I have the Daily Calm app on my phone and love their guided meditations. If you want to give it a try the body scan meditation is free and one of my favorites!

Meditating allows you to slow down, encourages you to stay in the present moment and quiets your mind. If you haven’t guessed already, I highly recommend it!

Try to Incorporate Natural Solutions.

Utilizing essential oils is a great way to reduce stress and incorporate natural solutions into your life! Some of my absolute favorites are – lavender, vetiver and frankincense.

These oils are known to reduce stress, calm the nerves, and aid in restful sleep. If you already have essential oils on hand, check out this amazing blend below. There are links mentioned in the image (you have to manually input into your browser). Entering the first link will lead you to a shopping cart where you can purchase the oils mentioned The second link will provide you with more information on how you can calm anxious feelings. Check them out!

Simple Tips for Managing Stress | Natural Solutions at Your Fingertips

I want to hear from you! How does stress affect you? And, how do you relieve stress? I am on a mission to make my life less stressful. This will take a daily, conscious effort and will not be easy but, is essential for optimal health and well-being.

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