FREE Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Week 4 , Leaves

I can’t believe we are headed into week 4 of our pre-k homeschool curriculum! The fact that it’s my youngest baby’s last year in preschool is kind of heart wrenching, and probably why I am hinting at another baby nearly every time I talk to my husband. Enough about that, let’s chat about just what we are covering in this week’s theme.
The theme for week 4 is all about leaves. A perfect autumnal topic, meant to open our little ones eyes to the magic unfolding all around them during this time of year. As is customary, I gathered my favorite FREE resources from around the web. However, there may be a site or two that require an email to access the resource, and trust me, it is definitely worth the sign up!
Pre-K Homeschool Week 4 Free Resources
Here are some of the free resources I gathered from across the web to pull together our week 4 leaves theme:
Math Activities for Preschoolers
Number 3 is the number of the week, for geometry there is this super cute shapes memory game that the kiddos will love to get their hands on, and of course there are a few on-theme math activities included as well.
Leaf Pattern Coloring Worksheet (Twisty Noodle)
Find and Trace the Number 3 (Preschool Mom)
Leaf Sorting Activity (Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds)
Leaf Addition (
Match the Shapes Memory Game (Maple Planners)
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
Leaf Lacing Template (Freebie Finding Mom)– lacing is a fantastic fine motor skill. I had Sadie decorate this leaf template before punching holes around the border and lacing it together.
Acorn Spoon Race (Making Boys Men)
Indoor Spider Web (Lessons 4 Learners) – the girls love obstacle courses so this one was a no brainer.
Make Letter P on Geo Board – I shared how to diy your own geo board in last week’s post right here.

Language Arts
Introduce the Letter of the Week “P” + Letter Playdough Mat – I mentioned in previous posts that we are using the 4 Weeks to Read program with Sadie, and she loves sitting down for the short lesson each week. We are only covering 1 letter a week but, when we head into Kindergarten we might just restart the program. I believe they suggest covering 3 letters each week. I also love to make our lessons hands on when possible which is why I am incorporating the use of the letter of the week play dough mat. I highly recommend!
Letter P Phonics Worksheet (Daycare Worksheets) -introducing phonics into language lessons is another fun way to work on our letter of the week, and I love these worksheets from daycare worksheets to get the job done.
Letter P Collage (Early Learning Ideas) – weaving art into our work is another hands on way to promote letter recognition, and I love the collage ideas you can find here.
Starfall Letter P + Letter Hunt – Starfall is a fantastic free resource (on your desktop) that both of the girls love to take advantage of, and I love that they are learning even if they are sitting in front of a screen. And, this letter hunt worksheet is a great activity to follow that up. Sadie loves to do these worksheets with dot markers but, any marker/crayon will do the trick!
Letter P Craft (All Kids Network) – Okay, so I partially add these crafts in for Sadie’s memory book. When Nora was in pre-k, she used to come home with all sorts of crafts. Now that we homeschool, I just want to make sure Sadie has the same memories to look back on when she gets a bit older.
Autumn Leaves Fall from the Trees! – Lisa Bell
The Autumn Visitors – Karel Hayes
Look What I Can Do With A Leaf – Morteza E. Sohi
We’re going on a Leaf Hunt – Steve Metzger
Tap the Magic Tree – Christie Mathieson
Leaves Science/Sensory
Go on a Leaf Hunt – this is one of our favorite things to do on our nature walks, especially around this time of year. We are lucky enough to find leaves of all shapes, sizes and colors. It’s always fun to figure out just what we bring home afterwards. This of course leads into the next activity…
Press Leaves in Wax Paper (or glue them) + Identify Types – we do not have an iron here at home because I absolutely hate to iron but, for some reason, I don’t mind using a hand steamer… maybe it’s an ode to that fashion PR internship I had in the city. If you have an iron at home, I would definitely try to press the leaves in wax paper. Otherwise, just grab some cardstock and your Elmer’s glue/ Mod Podge and you’re good to go!
Sticky Fall Tree Activity (Toddler Approved) – I love this diy activity! I’ve had white contact paper just sitting in our basement craft box, and now I get to use it! Oh, and this will also inspire you to save those paper bags from the grocery store. We always use them for art projects.
Leaf Sensory Bin (Teaching Mama) – We have been collecting acorns and pinecones (as well as leaves) on our nature walks, and they will be just perfect for this diy.
Fall Sensory Exploration Table (Kids Soup) – another activity that takes full advantage of the items you’ve already gathered. BE sure to check out how to make all natural, homemade playdough with ingredients you most likely already have in your pantry.

Arts + Crafts
Week 3 did not include art in the curriculum, and I don’t know what I was thinking there…
This you and your little one have a project to encourage you to get crafty each day. Check out daily activities below:
Autumn Leaf Painting (Kids Craft Room)
Giant Watercolor Leaves (Toddler Approved)
Wild Card – Choose a Craft from Look What I Can Do With A Leaf by Morteza E. Sohi (on the reading list above)
Creative Play
Create an Apple Cider Mill – I was at a loss for finding a “leaf inspired” dramatic play activity so, I settled for this adorable apple cider mill idea that I found while hunting on Pinterest. So cute, and seasonally appropriate!