Diary No. 1

Hello Thoughts | Volume One

Happy Thursday friends! And, Hello Thoughts!  As I write this the house is quiet and the sound of crickets is like a summer symphony outside my window. Man, I missed the sounds of summer. Every night I lay in bed with a grateful heart. Happy that we have the chance to experience a Long Island summer again. You see, there were no sweet summer symphonies in San Diego…not like this.

With a few more weeks of summer to go, and the first day of (home) school right around the corner. Yes, home school. You can read more about that adventure here.

Life seems a little more off kilter than usual. Whether you are sending your kiddos back into school full time, tackling remote learning or jumping into the journey of home school, life may feel the same for you too. And, I want you to know, we are in this together! 

Life has taken a bit more twists and turns this year, right?

It's a balancing act

I don’t know about you but, I am pretty fed up with the word balance. Does it really even exist in life? I feel like it should be banned like fleek or irregardless. Seriously, we should all just get comfortable with embracing the chaos! 

I am becoming increasingly more aware that the only constant in life is change. And, I have been trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for the fact that whenever a routine sets in, it will only be a matter of time before something switches our schedule around. Kind of like a tornado touching down with little regard for what lies in its path.  

I think that’s one of the benefits of motherhood though, don’t you? I have been conditioned (with every milestone) to deal with change for the last six years. So, instead of trying to control my daily routine with to do lists and schedules…  I have finally decided that swimming against the current is futile. Maybe its time to embrace the chaos, go with the flow. It’s time to simplify life, and be flexible.

It’s time to enjoy the journey, no matter how messy it is! Instead of working to swiftly reach the destination, and miss out on the adventure.


This pandemic has been eye-opening. Do you feel it too? I feel like we are coming out on the other side transformed. 

We have been diligently crafting how our lives will look since we realized the pandemonium of the pandemic was going to stick around for the long haul. We’ve officially paid off our debts, that’s right no more student loans!!! We’ve decided to pull our girls out of school and create our own little school house right here at home. We are slowly falling into a rhythm that I dreamed of since I dropped my eldest daughter off at day care when she was 9 weeks old…

It feels like all of the pieces are starting to fall into place. It took 6 years!! Six years of constant pivots, sacrifice, dedication. 

Not understanding our dream fully. Never having a big picture vision for how it would look or how it would play out. There’s only so much a girl can plan!

The beauty of it all is that now that we reached a goal that we set for ourselves so long ago…we can cast a new vision, and put our plans in motion to achieve them.


Around the web

What I’m Reading. I have been reading a ton of personal growth books throughout the pandemic. Even if I just get the chance to read for 10 minutes or ten pages each day. Setting up the habit has done me a world of good. And, I suggest it for you too! Whatever you find interesting, grab a copy and start today! 

I recently re-read Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. It is a must read in my opinion. It’s all about how thought, belief and desire work together to help you achieve your dreams. 

What I’m Watching. Nora and I recently finished Wizards – The Takes of Arcadia. We are very big fans of the series! If you like fantasy or science fiction and Guillermo del Toro’s creative genius then this is for you! Just promise to watch in this order (it won’t make sense otherwise) – Troll Hunters, 3 Below, then Wizards. I am praying another installment is in the works, even though Justin told me that Wizards is the end.

My Favorite Essential Oil. The three oils I constantly reach for are Neroli, Adaptiv and Immortelle

Neroli is sourced from Egypt. And can be applied topically to help soothe the skin or to pulse points to uplift mood. I apply this oil right after I get out of the shower but before I apply my doTERRA Spa Unscented Lotion. You know, when those feelings of anxiety about the day ahead start to creep in.

Adaptiv is a calming blend. I either apply this to the palm of my hand, and hand diffuse or put straight into each diffuser around the house. Its really great to pair with your favorite citrus oil. It’s an oil that helps to center the body and mind.

Immortelle is a powerful anti aging blend. I like to use this miracle worker as an eye serum when I’m running low. But, I regularly apply it to my whole face and neck in the morning after cleansing. It’s fantastic! And, if you’re on the hunt for all natural anti aging skin care, this oil really packs a punch!

Home School Resource

Latest Amazon Purchase. The curriculum we chose for this school year suggested Handwriting Without Tears. This is a workbook for First Graders meant to supplement the Language Arts portion of the curriculum to meet common core standards here in New York. This book has gotten rave reviews and I am excited to jump in and see what skills Nora gains from this resource.

Savoring Summer

Long Island Landmark. If you ever find yourself on the East End (south fork) of Long Island during the summer, then you simply must visit Lunch – Lobster Roll. We took a drive out last Friday afternoon, Thankfully, the traffic was not bad but, I think we have the pandemic to thank for that one! Of course, I ordered the Lobster Roll with a side of fries, and a glass of prosecco. It was delicious! And, I definitely plan on visiting in the future. You should too!

I love Amagansett and the drive out is so serene. I could definitely settle down there. Did you know Amagansett was settled in the late 1600s?! 

Sips of Summer. If your a fan of Rosé, I highly suggest giving this one a try!

What’s something you can’t get enough of lately?