Back to School Wellness Plan

Are you ready to get back to routines? Summer always allows for some leniency when it comes to day to day tasks. However, back to school can jumble up that free form lifestyle. Especially if your kiddos are headed back to a traditional school this fall…

To be honest, even in homeschool our days aren’t going to look quite the same. But, the difference is that our schedule allows for flexibility in those unexpected moments. Nevertheless, we still like to be prepared for the inevitable change of seasons.

So, let’s talk about ways to help our kiddos sleep better, focus, and stay calm during the transition that this September will bring!

It’s no secret that I love using natural solutions in our home. Whether it’s for sleep, bug bites/repellent, personal hygiene, or cleaning, etc. –  if you ask me….toxin free, is the way to be! Most, if not all, of my homemade diys are more effective because of essential oils.

I could never be without Helichrysum (skin care), Yarrow|Pom (skin care), Frankincense (grounding/skincare), Cardamom (digestive discomfort), or ClaryCalm (women’s health)

In my kitchen, I have quite a few oils that have slowly taken the place of herbs and spices we might run out of, like – basil, thyme, rosemary, and summer savory.

Our home would not be the same without these natural solutions at our fingertips. You might want to check my kitchen cabinet. No, I will not show you but, there is a video all about kitchen decluttering in the works. It is spilling over with the oils we reach for daily.

This post fills you in on the three ways you can use essential oils. So without further adieu, let’s get into the roller blends you should have on hand to help your kiddos, and maybe even you transition into the new routines that back to school brings…

School Night Sleep Roller

To make the school night roller blend:

  1. Add 5 drops of each of the following essential oils to a 10 ml roller bottle: Balance, Lavender + Frankincense
  2. Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil or carrier oil of choice

Roll this blend on wrists + bottom of feet before bed.

Protective Blend

To make this protective blend:

  1. Add 5 drops each of the following oils to a 10ml roller bottle: OnGuard, Frankincense, Tea Tree + Lemon
  2. Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil or carrier oil of choice

Roll this blend on bottoms of the feet, and spine daily.

Homework Helper

To make this focus blend:

  1. Add 10 drops of each of the following oils to a 10 ml roller bottle: Wild Orange + Peppermint
  2. Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil or carrier oil of choice

Roll this blend on wrists, back of neck or simply inhale for focus and attention.

Teacher Timeout (Calming Blend)

To make this calming blend, which is great for teachers and students alike:

  1. Add 10 drops Adaptiv, and
  2. 5 drops of each of the following oils to a 10 ml roller bottle: Balance + Frankincense
  3. Top with Fractionated Coconut Oil or carrier oil of choice

Roll pulse points when you need to bring it back, and calm your senses. Deep breaths, deep breaths…

Grab your free printable roller labels + recipe card

Click the image above for instant access to your free download!

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