Apps that will help you reach your health goals

Back in June, I shared my desire to evaluate and design better habits for myself. Truthfully, at the time, my mindset was not in the best place. In other words,  I needed a bit of a kick in the pants to get back on track with my goals for 2023. With this in mind, making health and wellness a priority in my daily routine was on the top of my list.

Well because there’s just something about moving my body that shifts my thoughts to a more positive perspective. 


While I cannot say that my bad habits have been eradicated, I can say that I have found some tools that have been instrumental in creating new habits that will allow me to reach my health and wellness goals. And, I thought it would be a good idea to share them right here with you, just in case you are looking for some resources to help you along on your journey to better health. 

Lose It!

I started using this food tracking app over a month ago. By tracking my macros (carbs, fats, and proteins) within the allotted calories for the plan I have chosen to follow, I have been able to make better choices about the food I eat each and every day. This app puts a major focus on lifestyle changes you might be looking to make when it comes to your health and habits. To get started you just input your details, i.e. height and weight, along with your goal weight, and then Lose It will calculate a daily calorie budget best for you. They have a free trial which lasts about a week or so then, the paid version is $39.99 for the year. In case you’re wondering, that’s cheaper (a little over $3 per month), and easier to implement than Weight Watchers because you can still eat the foods you are used to. 


Reach Your Health Goals with Pacer

Once I started making an effort to move my body daily, I realized that relying on the MyHealth app on my phone wasn’t going to cut it. Atleast when it came to tracking my steps. Cue in Pacer! This app is a pedometer that not only tracks your steps but total calories burned, active time, and distance. I started using this app with the goal of walking 4,000 steps each day, and have since increased my goal to 6,000 steps. The plan is to work my way up to 10,000 steps by adding incremental increases slowly over time. 

Just Run

Truthfully, I have tried to start a running routine many times in the past, and successfully complete the 8 week training to whip myself back into shape. Usually, I keep up the routine for a few weeks/months following this accomplishment but then find that my motivation stalls when I don’t have a way to track my improvements after completing the training program. 

Something I will be looking into this time, as I near the end of my 9 week 5k training program with Just Run.

In the past, I’ve used c25K but users must now pay for their once free app. So, in my search through the (c25k) app reviews, I found many users referencing Just Run. Similarly, training you to get from zero to 5k in just 9 weeks. 

The workout plan is akin to c25k in the beginning but, toward the end it kind of just throws you into longer running sessions. And, a lot sooner than I remember happening on the c25k app. Maybe that’s because I did not feel as well prepared when the 25 minute running sessions began in week 6.  

While there are some issues I would change, the app is free, and if you have the motivation it will help you reach your health goals especially if you’re looking to be less of a couch potato.



This app is a family favorite. The girls are addicted to the sleep stories,like Dawny McYawny and I have a handful of meditations that I turn to when life is feeling a bit overwhelming. One of my favorites is Sigur Ros’ sound bath experience. 

Meditation is a great way to help clear your mind, and gain a new perspective on life. Whether you’re trying to get better sleep, be a happier person, or bring mindfulness to your day this app will not disappoint. There is a free version you can try right here. But I highly suggest the premium version.