We’re Moving – So Long San Diego!

We're Moving

|The post We’re Moving! appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on May 15, 2019|

We are very excited to announce that this June, we are moving cross country (for the second time). That’s right, in less than thirty days from the date of this post, we will be saying goodbye to San Diego. My mind is swimming, we have so much to accomplish between now and then. Purchasing moving supplies, finalizing our movers, shipping our cars… the list goes on and on. And, I have a confession, I do not feel anywhere near as prepared as I was the first time around.

But, aside from the mile long to do list, I have to tell you that I am elated to be moving cross country again. This journey was challenging but worth it. I discovered a lot about myself, what I am capable of, and what I just won’t stand for…

How Did We Get Here?

Before we get into why San Diego did not work for our family, lets talk about what got us here in the first place. To be honest, I’m not sure if it was fear or the need for adventure. I knew I did not want to be the person who grew up in a town and never left. And, I definitely had the urge to push myself out of my comfort zone, away from my family safety net.

So, what was going through my head when we decided to take the leap? Let me paint the picture for you; my husband and I just had our first baby (well, she was 18 months old at the time of the move). We were both unhappy in our careers and wanted to have a more balanced life. We thought that our strong work ethic, would make us unstoppable in our descent on the laid back California coast. But, that just wasn’t the case.

Why San Diego Didn’t Work Out For Us.

Our desire for more quality, family time together just didn’t transpire. Collectively we found that our strong work ethic often worked against us. Those who were okay with passing the buck often dumped their work on us, which would leave us frustrated and exhausted at the end of a work day.

Secondly, we miss our families. Justin and I both come from families that celebrate every holiday and family event together. So, missing out on that time with family definitely took its toll. Not to mention that we never get a break! My mom would often watch Nora so we could catch up on sleep, do housework or have a date night. That luxury? Gone!

The long and short of it is that after 3.5 years we just never found “our” community here. We definitely do not want our children to go through the public school system here, and I miss the seasons! Seriously, this place has me all out of whack when it comes to wardrobe.

Where Are We Moving To Next?

I’m sure you already picked up on it but, we’re moving back home! We were on the fence with so many locations for our next destination. Top contenders were Colorado, and Nashville, Tennessee but, we ultimately decided on Long Island for our destination because its safe. And, we won’t feel like we are living among the pod people and we miss good food! Justin and I are planning to hit up our favorite pizza spot, and Chinese restaurant on the same day! And, raising our children among life long friends and family will be an unparalleled experience.

Be sure to stay tuned for more updates on our transition over the next few months. Its sure to be interesting! What I am most excited for is the opportunity to settle down in one spot.

Ever since Justin and I got married, its been one adventure after the other. Our first rented apartment, our first purchased apartment, a baby, a cross country move. And then our second baby which will be followed by our second cross country move… you get the idea. I am ready to plant some roots and get settled. But, who knows maybe we will shake things up by adding another baby to the mix… I mean, I can’t let things get too comfortable…

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