Surrendering to the Present Moment

In this post I shared a little bit about how spirituality became my word of the year for 2023. If you are wondering how that has progressed, well, for the entire month of January I have thrown myself into my manifestation rituals both morning and night. I’ve been reading book after book on the topic of the law of attraction, manifestation and spirituality. 

So far what I have uncovered is that for me, a lot of this work is about finding ways to stay present, and show gratitude for what’s right in front of me. And with that realization I’ve become increasingly aware of just how frequently my mind likes to stray into thoughts of the past, or hopes for the future. 

It’s actually quite alarming how much time I spend recounting past relationships or events. Contemplating all kinds of alternate events for the time I did this, or cringing at the way I said that. Why am I so afraid to let these things go? Truthfully, I am a different person today than I was then.

Similarly, I’ll often daydream about what I have in store for the week ahead, plan day trips while I’m washing the dishes, or just simply focus on what the next activity is in order to get through the day. And, in this case the questions that have come to mind in this new awareness are – what am I rushing to? Remember when you prayed for what you have here today?

Yet again, the two phrases that come to mind are be present, be grateful

But, as I wrestle with this push and pull, I also wonder is it just about control? Am I afraid to be in the present moment because I have limited control over it? ::..Still not ready to surrender..:: 

So, for me January has unlocked a whole new level of awareness. And, as you can see, a whole new set of questions. Questions and realizations that would not have been uncovered without my research and rituals. So yes, I am going to press on through February to see what more I can discover.

But now I have a question for you, I need to know your thoughts – do we live in the past/future because we are actively choosing not to surrender to the present moment?

