FREE Homeschool Preschool Curriculum – Week 24, Day and Night


This week we will teach our preschoolers all about day and night!  In summary, we will be covering our traditional subject areas – math, music, arts and crafts, language arts, etc.  The letter of the week is “U” so, be sure to scroll ahead for more activities to build literacy.  In math we will be working on reinforcing numbers 1-20, revisiting 2D and 3D shapes, and playing some fun games as well.

There are loads more activities to explore, just continue reading below.

Pre-K Homeschool Week 24 Free Resources

Here are some of the free resources I gathered from across the web to pull together our week 24 day and night theme:

Feature Image by Simon Berger

Math Activities for Preschoolers

Erin over at Little Loves Learning has great tips regarding kindergarten readiness. This week, I’m using one of her activities when it comes to math readiness. Make your preschooler more comfortable with position words by playing Simon Says with a stuffy. Ex. “Simon says put your stuffie in front of you”. Then, let your kiddo be in charge and show off what he/she learned.

This sequencing activity from Teachers Pay Teachers will help reinforce numbers 1-20.

Revisit 2D and 3D shapes. Keep in mind, this is a huge packet! I would begin by reviewing the shapes, see which your preschooler is having trouble with, and focus on those. Or, you might choose one shape to do each day this week and beyond. 

Deck of Cards Addition/Subtraction or More/Less Game – just like the dice game, except this is with a deck of cards! Remove all face cards, shuffle the deck, each player pulls a card, and work on those addition and subtraction skills. You can even practice more/less. I’d spend 15 minutes max on this activity (all three).

Practice Counting to 100 by 1, 5 and 10 this week. Counting to 100 is a skill that will be developed further in Kindergarten. Skip counting is likely to be introduced in first grade so, no pressure here. Just make it fun!


Image by Luna Lovegood

Fine/Gross Motor Skills

Here are some activities to develop your preschoolers fine and gross motor skills this week:

Tally Mark Tape Matching Game 

Jump Rope

Practice Walking Backwards Heel to Toe

Bike/Trike Ride

Language Arts

Introduce the letter “U” – show your preschooler the capital and lowercase letter “U”, and introduce the sound of this letter. Next, have your little one try to create the letter “U” on a playdough mat or geoboard. Watch the letter “U” on Starfall.

Letter “U” phonics and writing practice (Daycare Worksheets)

Phonics review + Vocabulary (Flashcard Fox) – build your preschoolers vocabulary by sharing the “U” words on these flashcards. Make sure to print out two sets to create a memory game.

You can try this “U” is for umbrella craft.

The sight words this week are “not” and “one”. Kindergarten Mom has a great free printable to introduce this sight word to your preschooler.

**Remember to read 1 level C book with your child each day, or appropriate level book. Reminder, by the end of Kindergarten your preschooler will be expected to read at Level D so, whatever work you do in this area, you are already ahead of the game.

Read Aloud Books:
Day + Night, Robin Lerner
What Makes Day + Night, Franklyn M. Branley
Good Day, Good Night – Margaret Wise Brown
Sun Up. Sun Down – Jacqui Bailey
Sun + Moon, Lindsey Yankey


Image by Joel Zar

Day and Night Science/Sensory Activities

Day + Night Cut and Paste Worksheet

Make day inspired playdough

Create your own night sensory bottles

Learn how to make a sun print

Go stargazing (like in Week 21)  and try to find some constellations in the night sky. Be sure to review these constellations first.

Make your very own sun dial


Here are some day and night inspired songs to add to your morning circle time:

Day + Night Song

Oh, Mister Sun

You Are My Sunshine (we stuck to the first verse)

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Arts + Crafts

Make day + night inspired blown art

Create a bedtime routine chart together

Make your own suncatcher

This night time process art was super simple and fun!

Choose one of these day and night activities


Field Trip

Pick one of your favorite spots to observe nature, and one day this week grab your nature journal and head out for an early morning picnic. Choose one animal to observe and add that animal to your nature journal.

Re-visit the very same place at night, and find another animal to observe. Maybe with some ice cream or hot cocoa, and a flashlight.  Be sure to make note in your nature journal that the animal you observed early in the morning was no longer found at night.

If animals are hard to come by, you can always go stargazing!
