4 Years with Sadie

4 years with Sadie 1 | Danielle Ravitch

My sweet Sadie,

For the past couple of months you have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this moment, and it is finally here. You are no longer a “tobbler”, you are officially 4 years old! And, while it brings so much joy to see you proudly hold up four fingers (with a huge grin) whenever anyone asks how old you are, I wish I could find a way to cancel out all of the craziness that surrounds us in the world today to fully let go and enjoy every moment with you.

You wake up every morning slowly rolling out of bed, rubbing your eyes with your beautiful bed head of curly hair. Most mornings, if Dad/I are still in bed you run across the hallway to get a few moments of extra snuggles in before sleepily asking if we can “go downstairs” for your favorite breakfast of a peanut butter sandwich, apple sauce, and of course chocolate milk.

At bedtime, you can usually be found throwing the mountain of stuffed animals off your bed so you can climb in to have your blankets “fluffed” by Dad. And, while like big sister, Nora you have a selection of princess nightgowns to choose from, you often ask for something warm to wear because you are known for kicking off your blankets in the middle of the night. No matter how many times Dad or I come into the room to cover you back up.

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Celebrating 4 Years with Sadie

You are playful. Your imagination runs wild + free. You are seriously the MacGyver of playtime. I will often look over, and catch you playing with two pencils (the mommy + the sweetie), and a lump of playdough, completely content in what you are doing. You also love to play with your big sister. Whether you’re Hermione in a game of Harry Potter, a cat or an evil princess, I often hear the two of you giggling upstairs during playtime.

You’ve got a BIG personality. “You give your opinion so decidedly for so young a person.” And, even when challenged, you will often stick to your guns. You have a way of making anyone who spends even a few minutes with you light up from ear to ear.

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You are loving. Oftentimes, on your way to your next activity you will run back and say “Oh, I forgot to give you a hug/Sadie smooch!” And, it is not unusual for you to state (completely out of the blue) “Mom, I just love you.” I love each and every one of these moments.

You are helpful. More recently you have expressed an interest in helping me in the kitchen (I guess it’s because I spend a lot of time in there), and with household chores. Sadie loves to stir ingredients together-like scrambled eggs or a brookie mix – match socks, and even wash and dry the dishes. You recently received the Melissa + Doug housekeeping set, and happily reach for it whenever you think I need an extra hand.

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You are brave. After some coaxing, you are always willing to put your shyness aside and walk up to a girl at the playground and introduce yourself. Sometimes you meet a new friend, and other times you are disappointed when your new friend runs away, out of complete and utter shyness. But, never fear my sweet girl or lose that confidence. That is just a sign of the times and a residue of the world events. With time, all children will feel safe and encouraged to be happy + carefree once again.

You are independent. Lately, you have been trying to take on more of your daily tasks without being asked. That is except when it comes to cleaning up your toys. You will often brush your own hair, or pick out your own clothes.

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Last But Certainly Not Least

You are smart. You are an active participant in most of your lessons. You eagerly spell and write your name, count to 30 and recite the ABCs. You’ve recently taken an interest in drawing and I love to see what you create. You also love that you can use your very own pair of scissors, and get a little too excited when you’re handed a glue stick for arts+ crafts projects.

For The Memory Book

  • Favorite Foods: peanut butter sandwich, apple sauce, strawberries, mangoes, chicken nuggets, pickles (you used to call them tickles), chocolate ice cream
  • Favorite Colors: pink and golden
  • Favorite Books: 101 Dalmatians, Fun with Ed and Fred, Animal Colors
  • Favorite Sirius XM Channel: KidzBop
  • Favorite Movies: 101 Dalmatians, Paw Patrol, My Little Pony, anything Disney Princess
  • Favorite TV Show: Shimmer and Shine, Peppa Pig, Ben + Holly’s Little Kingdom, Bluey
  • Favorite Animal: Puppies + Cheetahs
  • Wake Up Time/Bed Time: Sadie usually wakes up around 7:00/7:30 a.m. Bedtime seems to get pushed back a little bit each night but, we try to get you in bed by 7:00 p.m. so that Dad and I can take turns reading you a few chapters in our latest novel. Dad is working his way through the Wizard of Oz series, and I am reading Roald Dahl’s collection.
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4 years with Sadie 7 | Danielle Ravitch
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  • Gymnastics
  • Soccer
  • Nature walks in the woods
  • Legos + Magna-tiles
  • Playing in the Barbie Dream house
  • Muzzy, Spanish lessons and saying “Buenos Noches
  • DIY manicures + pedicures
  • Hide and seek
  • Imagination games
  • Your gardening set
  • Dancing
  • Wishing on wispies
  • Dress Up
  • Writing letters on post-its and sticking them all over the house
  • Playing keepy-uppy
  • Playing your Ukulele
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