Postpartum Care Essentials

Postpartum Essentials

|The post Postpartum Care Essentials for a Speedy Recovery appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on January 9, 2019|

Trust me, I’ve been there… I’ve spent countless hours staring at the screen, researching, researching, and researching some more. Trying to decipher what I might need as a first time mom to recover (comfortably) postpartum. The good news is that I’ve compiled my countless hours of research, and first hand experience (proud mom of two!) into an easily downloadable printable and you can get your FREEBIE right here. Now, let’s talk a little bit about the journey of postpartum recovery!

What is postpartum?

To be clear, postpartum is defined as the period following childbirth. Often referred to as the “fourth stage of labor“, postpartum is a critical period that begins in the first few hours after delivery. For most women labor and delivery is the most difficult part of pregnancy. Did you know that the postpartum period can actually continue for up to 6 months after delivery?

What Postpartum Feels Like

As with pregnancy, postpartum is completely different for everyone. I can only speak to my own experience. With my first baby, the recovery was rough. I went through the majority of labor and delivery without an epidural (not by choice). Not to mention that both of my babies were stuck above my pelvic bone and required a vacuum assisted delivery. I was just emotionally drained from the whole event.

A few hours after delivery, the nurses tested me to see if I would be able to walk on my own, and well, I almost fainted! Consequently, I was thankful to be able to send my newborn to the nursery so that I could take some time for myself to sleep and recover. In the first few weeks, sitting, walking and doing the basics (like finding the right angle to go to the bathroom) were all a challenge. I think one of the toughest parts of postpartum is consciously giving your body the time it needs to recover.

Healing After Birth

The average recovery time for a natural childbirth is anywhere from three to six weeks. Because during the first six weeks after delivery your uterus will shrink to size. And your body will hormonally return to its pre-pregnant state. Again, this is the average.

Postpartum Care Plan

I cannot stress the importance of a postpartum care plan enough! It is vital to your success and well-being as a mom. Furthermore, whether its a weekly girls night out, catching up with a friend over coffee or treating yourself to a mani/pedi, get out of the house! Without the baby!! It will make you feel human again and like less of a mombie.

Similarly, schedule a regular date night with the hubby. Trust me you will have tons of family and friends offer to babysit when your little one arrives. I encourage you to take them up on it (you will need it).

Aside from getting out of the house, it is important to have a wellness plan in place. You will most likely be keeping track of feedings, diaper changes, etc., for the baby…its important to make yourself a priority as well. I found this simple and easy plan on Pinterest, and made it my own.

What Should I Buy for Postpartum Recovery?

As a mom of two and a crazed planner/researcher, I consider myself experienced in this area. I have compiled a list of 47 items (that I have found to be indispensable postpartum) into a printable checklist. This printable is broken down into two sections “After Care Essentials”. Which are items I have found essential to have on hand at home. And, “Hospital Stay Must Haves”, a list of items you should have in your hospital bag.

Postpartum Checklist

How long does it take your body to fully recover from pregnancy?

The journey into motherhood is like maneuvering uncharted territory. There are physical changes and mood swings to combat, along with a tiny human to care for which usually means sleep deprivation and a lax daily diet. The honest answer is that it depends on you, your situation and what you choose to make a priority. Of course, this is assuming that mom and baby had a healthy pregnancy, delivery and postpartum/postnatal period.

At the very least, please give yourself the first six weeks to recover. This means no crazy diets or exercise plans! You survived the miracle of childbirth (have an adorable little baby) and should give your body the time it deserves to heal.

I also encourage you to follow your intuition, if something doesn’t feel right (health wise) for you or your baby, reach out to your physician/pediatrician. Many OBGYNs/pediatricians are seasoned professionals, you are not their first “first time mom”.

I hope you found this post helpful and informative in some way! What are you most concerned about when it comes to postpartum recovery? Feel free to share in the comments and I’ll do my best to put your mind at ease by sharing my experience with you!

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