Five Life Lessons

Five Life Lessons

|The post Five Things Kids Can Teach Us About Life appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on September 3, 2018|

I’ve been faced with the ever increasing suspicion that my daughter may know a little bit more about getting the most out of every single day…

Take a look at this top five list of life lessons and share something a tiny human may have taught/reminded you recently.

1. You Can Live Your Daydream.

As a super hero, princess or a chef, each day is filled with adventure, discovery and intrigue. Its easy to remember my mile-long reply to the age old question – what do you want to be when you grow up? Why is it that only a small percentage of us focus our energy into pursuing our passions?

2. Resiliency.

Case in point. Kids can fall flat on their face and carry on like nothing happened. Now that doesn’t happen every time, but the fact that it happens at all is remarkable. It can force you to think about how you handle an uncomfortable or painful situation.

3. Don’t Hold a Grudge.

I’ve seen it with my very own eyes. One minute my daughter is in a fight with one of her friends on the playground and the next they are headed for the jungle gym, smiling and holding hands.

The takeaway? It’s simple. Spending time in the negative takes away from the positive. Don’t waste your energy on anything that doesn’t serve you.

4. Put Yourself Out There.

Terrifying I know…when is the last time you walked up to someone you didn’t know to introduce yourself?

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for More.

This is something I am working on myself. As we get older (for some of us) there seems to be some sort of fear attached with asking for more. However, the next time you find yourself in an ice cream shop, toy store or anywhere there are kids really… you are guaranteed to run into a master at work.

When’s the last time you asked for more without the fear of rejection or being rude?

Maybe instead its time to think of it from a little kids perspective… no strings attached. And, if you should muster up the courage to ask for more – at work, in your relationships, at the ice cream parlor, etc. – and it doesn’t work out as you hoped, there is always a “take away”. Use the information you gathered from your “big ask” to pivot, so you are better positioned to get what you want next time.

Kids have a true gift. A constant thirst for knowledge and a fearless approach toward the future. A naivety that often works in their favor. How would your life change if you implemented just one of these practices daily?

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