We Survived Our First Year of Homeschool!

Well, we did it! We officially survived our first year of homeschool. And while it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows…maybe you faced some educational challenges this year too? I am extremely grateful that we decided to take the plunge and just start.
As I mentioned here homeschool was never in our headspace. That is, before the pandemic struck and shut down literally everything (yes, those conservative states are looking pretty good right now). But, in my heart and mind I knew homeschool would be the setting our girls would flourish in.
Spoiler Alert: We signed up to homeschool for a second year! But, I kinda shared that here.
That doesn’t mean year two will be easy peasy. During our first year, my husband was working remotely, and that was a huge blessing for our family. As a special education teacher, he was able to “push in” to try strategies I know nothing about when I ran into some trouble.
But thankfully come September he will be back, in person, at school contributing to the growth of his students. The kids he has missed immensely since March of 2020.
Isn’t it so true that once you get used to a schedule “something” has to come in and shake things up? In this case, I am okay with that “something” meaning a return to normalcy. Even if it means that here at home we have yet another transition to wade through….
Side note: If you are a New Yorker, do you remember when NYC public schools would not close, even for a blizzard, because they feared students wouldn’t have food to eat? The cynical me now wonders if that was the true reason. Especially after they closed schools for over a year for a pandemic that didn’t turn out to be as deadly as they projected. As of today, the death rate in New York is .02%. I am not diminishing the lives lost. But, given what our Governor did to the seniors of this state, our numbers would be much lower (approximately 15,000 lives lower to be exact). Feel free to share your thoughts below.
Ideas for Our Second Year of Homeschool
Now that I am more comfortable with the whole idea of homeschool, and things in our state our returning to normal, I think homeschool will be more of an adventure. While we do have to stay close to home, I know that we will have more opportunities to explore.
What am I most excited for?
This year, homeschool is a decided choice. Oh, we chose homeschool last year but, it was kind of forced upon us in a sense. This fall, I feel like I will officially reach veteran status in this home school thing. I am more confident in how I can help my girls, and what I bring to the table. In 100% transparency, this whole experience transforms life as we know it. Unquestionably, everyday is unfolding before our eyes, and even in the most mundane moments…I have no idea what to expect. I love that…