Nora’s First Day of School – Kindergarten

Nora's First Day of Kindergarten

|The post Nora’s First Day of Kindergarten appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on September 5, 2019|

Well, we made it to another major milestone in our little girl’s life… Nora’s first day of school! This year Nora is off to Kindergarten. I’ve gone through a range of emotions leading up to this day. The most prevalent emotion was that of sadness which lasted for what felt like the entire month of August after we celebrated her fifth birthday. But, sadness and anxiety slowly transitioned into excitement (thank god!). And, I can’t wait to see Nora shine this school year!

First Day of School Preparations.

If I am being honest, we were behind the eight ball as far as preparing for this year. We didn’t even register Nora until the week before school started. There were lots of elements up in the air with our lives being in such a transition.

We spent a good 6 weeks of the summer hoping and praying (and applying of course) that my husband would get the opportunity to take his career to Long Island but, that never transpired. And, after much consideration he is now working in the same position he held before we left for California. That means he is commuting into the city everyday, again. I know that eventually it will all work out and we will get him back on the Island.

Lol, where am I going with this?! Well, this of course held up our home search thereby delaying the decision on where Nora would be registered for the school year. So, no matter what end of the spectrum you’re on, if you had the entire summer and fell behind on prepping or the new school year is just days away, and you are worried you don’t have enough time to get your little one situated before the first day, I am here as proof that you have enough time, it IS possible!

First Day of Kindergarten Outfit.

When it came to Nora’s outfit for the first day of school, we decided to go with some pieces she has worn throughout the summer. As far as I’m concerned comfort comes first when you are embarking on a new transition like this one.

So, we chose a super cute set that Mima (my mom) picked up from Marshalls! Total win on the stylish yet affordable front if you ask me. The sandals are Carters, and have the cutest eyelet detail on them to match the skirt. However, since this set was purchased at the beginning of the season, it was impossible to find the exact match to link here but, the items below are very similar!

What did your little one wear on the first day of school? Something brand new or an old favorite? Let me know in the comments, along with your favorite spots for a great bargain!

First Day of Kindergarten
Similar items linked below

September The Month of Transition.

We are calling September the month of transition. There are a lot of elements still up in the air since the new school year has started. We are not in our new home and have to commute 40 minutes one way each day (from my parents place) in order to take Nora to school. So, that’s 2+ hours in the car each day just to get her to and from school.

Then, Sadie is starting at daycare next week. She has not been in daycare since the end of April (when we started getting everything ready to make our move back to New York). So, I’m expecting a pretty rocky and emotional week ahead. We are hoping to get into our new home before Sadie’s birthday at the end of the month but, there is no guarantee that will actually happen.

Needless to say, a cross country move has proven to be a lot more difficult the second time around but, it IS amazing to be back home amongst family and friends. It has already proven to be the best choice for our family a million times over.

First Day of School SIgn

All this to say, our road has been a rocky one but I know when things settle down we will take a look around with pride and grateful hearts that we chose to take the leap and head back home just in the nick of time for Nora to start Kindergarten here in New York.

Bonus Read | Check out this post 2019 | A Year in Review for more on our big moves in 2019!

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