My Vision Board Process

Creating a vision board is one of my favorite undertakings! Yes, I just used the word “undertaking” because if you have ever sat down to create your own, you know how all-consuming the process can be. Let’s face it, there is only so much room on a poster board, and it can be hard for a girl with big dreams to figure out which aspirations to focus on!

Adding to that sentiment, this year I ran into a bit of a stumbling block creating my vision board. Even without the constant barrage from mainstream media, it can get burdensome trying to process everything we are going through on a global scale. To be honest, I have gotten considerably wrapped up in the current events, and it’s clouded my outlook for the future. I feel like, in some instances, I am in a reactive state more so than on a deliberate path. Maybe you have feel the same?

But, that doesn’t mean we should toss our hopes and dreams aside. If anything, this is a time we should cling to them like madwomen!! Keeping our faith and working toward our vision may just be what saves us this year…

In 2019, published an article that shows “76% of entrepreneurs who use vision boards say their business(sub the word life if that makes more sense to you) is now where they envisioned it…”

Now, that’s a pretty powerful statement. So, let’s hold our heads above the fog, and get out of the reactive state we’ve found ourselves in for the past year. Are you ready to give your dreams the attention they deserve again?

Vision Board | Danielle Ravitch

How to Start Your Vision Board

Don’t wait for a new year to get started on your vision board. You can create one whenever you’re ready! But, I think we can all agree that there is something about the energy in the fresh start of a new year that is simply electrifying.

With that said, this is a process that demands serious reflection and visualization. Take some time and assess last year in conjunction with the categories below. You may choose to focus on one or all categories in this process, and that is completely up to you! The list is not set-in stone but, a great place to start.

Vision Board Categories | Danielle Ravitch

But, you can’t get where you are going until you understand where you’ve been! I think it is extremely important to reflect on your past before designing your future. Here are some journal prompts you may use to help you along:


  1. What can you do or change to focus more on your health + wellness?
  2. How do I define success?
  3. In detail, what was my happiest moment of last year?
  4. What would my day look like if I were more present?
  5. What do I need to give up, say no to, or let go of?
  6. A new skill I learned is ___________.
  7. When do you feel most at peace with yourself?
  8. I am grateful for _______________________

There are a ton of journal prompts you can use to focus on all aspects of your life. If you feel like the prompts listed above do not align with you, go ahead and search for more!


Here are a few questions you can journal about to visualize your year ahead:

  1. A healthy habit I would like to start is _____________________.
  2. What is your vision for next year?
  3. If I were financially free, I would __________________________.
  4. A place I would like to visit is ____________________________.
  5. What qualities are you drawn to in others _________________?
  6. What activities make me happy?
  7. What is something you would like to learn or grow better in and why?
  8. A new project I would like to start is ______________________.
  9. Choose one thing to forgive yourself for…


Personally, I go into full on brainstorming mode when I create my vision board. I review and set an intention for each category. For example, when it comes to family I wrote -“we will live simply + slowly”-for career – “I will show up consistently, and provide my community with valuable resources” – and, for health – “I will move my body daily”. And, yes I expand on my goals and intentions from there because the more detailed (and positive) you are the more likely you are to achieve your vision.

After you have written out clear and concise goals, its time to find images and affirmations or quotes for your vision board. So, you know what that means, it is time to head on over to Pinterest! Or, you can go ahead and grab a few of your favorite magazines. In my opinion, this is the most fun part of the entire project.

There are a lot of different perspectives on vision board layouts but, I just print all of the images + quotes I have chosen, and then I place them where I find them most aesthetically pleasing.  Oh, and make sure to put your vision board – in your office, bedroom, etc. – somewhere you will see it every day. It is suggested that you spend 2 – 10 minutes a day with your vision board to keep your vision at the forefront of your mind.

Your Questions Answered: Yes, your vision board can be digital – you might even want to make it the wallpaper for your phone and/computer!

Tip: If you are loving the process of creating your vision board, you should definitely check out Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.


To give you a better idea of the final product, here is a glimpse of what one section of my vision board looks like for this year…

Vision Board Glimpse | Danielle Ravitch

Creating a vision board is a great way to declutter your mind, get clear on your goals, and plan to take steps toward that big picture vision you have for your life. With “76% of entrepreneurs” crediting this visualization tool for realizing their dreams and goals, nothing stop you from getting started. Remember, you are the CEO of your own life!

Now, go get dreaming….