Can you believe that our free curriculum for preschoolers is rolling into week 26?! Time flies when you’re having fun And, there’s no slowing down now, as we cover…the seasons.
In summary, we will be covering our traditional subject areas – math, music, and language arts. Furthermore, this week we introduce something new as we swap out arts and crafts for outdoor games. Let’s face it, the weather is getting nicer and our kiddos need to be spending more time in the fresh air.
In science our preschoolers can look forward to a virtualfield trip as well as, a true hands on approach to commiting the seasons to memory.
Additionally, the letter of the week is “Q” so, be sure to scroll ahead for more activities to build literacy. And in math we will be working on developing our skills through games.
There are loads more activities to explore, just continue reading below.
Week 26 Preschool Curriculum Free Resources
Here are some of the free resources I gathered from across the web to pull together our week 26 seasons theme:
Math Activities for Preschoolers
Review Odd + Even (Top Marks Co UK) – a great computer based game for educating our preschoolers on odd + even numbers.
Practice counting to 100 by 1’s – try to start each math lesson by counting to 100. You might want to use a hundreds chart to work on number recognition.
Play War and/or Go Fish – a great way for your preschooler to work on comparing numbers.
Measurement Review – here’s what you’ll need, a clipboard, a piece of paper, pencil, and ruler. Let your preschooler take the lead. Have him/her collect objects of interest inside the house or out, and right down their measurements.
Dice Addition Game – you remember this game! Grab a pair of dice, each of you roll one, and have your preschooler work on addition to 12.
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
Here are some activities to develop your preschoolers fine and gross motor skills this week: Walking Backwards Heel to Toe
Introduce the letter “Q” – show your preschooler the capital and lowercase letter “Q”, and introduce the sound of this letter. Next, have your little one try to create the letter “Q” on a playdough mat or geoboard. Watch the letter “Q” on Starfall.
Letter “Q” phonics review (Flashcard Fox) – build your preschoolers vocabulary by sharing the “Q” words on these flashcards. Make sure to print out two sets to create a memory game.
Draw yourself in each season! Take a blank piece of paper, fold it in half twice. You will now have 4 quadrants. One for each season. Have your preschooler draw themself engaging in their favorite seasonal activity – winter, spring, summer, and fall!
Months of the Year Paper Plate Activity (Books and Giggles) – (1/17/23 picture)