Chase Your Dreams

|The post Chase Your Dreams – Be Unstoppable appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on July 29, 2019|

Chase your dreams“, does that ignite a fire within you or completely overwhelm you? Maybe, if you are anything like me it does a combination of both. Oftentimes when we are in pursuit of our dreams we become so wrapped up in doubt and negative thought that we allow any little obstacle to stop us dead in our tracks.

Overcoming negative thought is a daily struggle for most because it involves consistent efforts to reprogram your brain. And, consciously infuse our minds with positive, uplifting “I can” affirmations. But, making it a habit to extinguish negative thought can be the catalyst to the change you’re looking for…

Pursue Your Dreams.

First things first, it needs to be said that if you have a dream, you owe it to yourself to make it happen. That thought, idea or vision you have for something better (whatever it may be) was embedded in your brain because a) your ambitious and want more for your life, and b) you already have the tools to achieve it. That’s right! Whatever you need to pursue and create the life you’ve been dreaming of is already within you.

Once you become comfortable with the idea that you already have what it takes to make your dreams a reality, there are other facets of your life you must make sure are in check in order to support your journey. Finding a balance within these areas will not only open your mind and heart to the path you are about to embark on. But, make you unstoppable in your pursuit.

chase your dreams

How To Be Unstoppable In Pursuit of Your Dreams.

There are certain areas of life that I’ve found most successful entrepreneurs have in order (i.e. set routines) or are consciously working on while pursuing their dreams:


A spiritual practice and greater awareness often come hand in hand. Allow yourself time to grow in this area. Whether you partake in a weekly yoga class, religious service or simply set aside a few minutes each day for meditation. Being in touch with your spirituality will allow you to convene with like minded individuals, quiet an over active imagination and often invites a more positive perspective into focus.


Photography, writing, dance… these are just a few ways to express yourself creatively. Be open to trying new things, there is no need to be an expert to reap the benefits here. Find an outlet that works for you! Developing this area of your life will encourage you to think outside the box. This is a learned skill which will come in handy when obstacles get in the way.


“A healthy body, is a healthy mind.” – Clint Eastwood
Talk about mind body connection! When you are at optimal health your brain is able to function at its best. Most successful individuals put their health first, oftentimes scheduling early morning workouts. However, this does not excuse diet. Nutrition is also paramount for fortifying and fueling the body to endure the most demanding schedules.


“We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
I don’t care who you are, that statement will make you stop dead in your tracks and evaluate your life. One question to consider when surveying your relationships – does the individual inspire you or drain you? Make sure to hang out with people who force you to level up (not drag you down), and meet with them often.

The path to our dreams is fraught with twist and turns. Oftentimes, our original dreams evolve into something more or an idea we could have never conceptualized unless we had the desire and initiative to start in the first place. If you are looking for the encouragement to start your journey or pivot, let this be your invitation!

Bonus Read | Check out this post for more on my dream of sustainable living!

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