A Yearly Review – Reflect + Prepare for the Year Ahead

A Yearly Review

Grab your FREE Yearly Review Template inside!

Hi there and Happy Wednesday! Admittedly, I would have had this blog post live many hours ago but, full disclosure it is my birthday week!! And, there are very few times a year that I give myself a pass but, my birthday definitely fits into that category.

For me, my birthday has always been a time of reflection; even more so than New Years. It just feels more personal. Maybe you feel the same too?

Yes, New Year’s we collectively acknowledge successes and failures, as well as, plan our resolutions. But, “fewer than 10% actually keep them”.  So, why not reflect on the past year and set intentions when the odds aren’t against us?

How to Write Your Yearly Review

I am a big believer that we should reflect on what is going wrong, and what is going right in our lives. And, a year in review allows us to put our thoughts onto paper. The process of reflection is beneficial for your steps forward in personal growth because it gives you the opportunity to course correct and pivot if you may have gotten off track.

So, being that it is my birthday week, I decided to create a free template to better assist us all in this process of reflection and goal setting. Think of it as a little gift from me to you and, here’s a sneak peek…

Goals Are Important For Personal Growth

“Begin with the end in mind” – Dr. Stephen R. Covey.
This simple habit dares us to be proactive when it comes to our vision for our dream life. Visualization is key here. DREAM BIG and once you have your vision, its time to work backwards.

Consider breaking your goals down into manageable categories like – happiness, health, personal development, community, finances, relationships, etc. For example, a goal of mine is to make happiness a priority. One way I set out to accomplish this goal is by keeping a gratitude journal which I visit every morning. Reminding yourself of the good in your life is a great way to start the day with a positive outlook.

Tip: If you are looking for an amazing read on how the daily choices you make can lead you to the life you desire, check out The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson (life changing)!

What steps will it take for you to get closer to your vision this year?

The life you want is attainable, if you are willing to put in the work it takes to get there. The big secret is breaking your vision down into simple, actionable steps. Secondly, revisit your plan often to make sure you stay on the path that will get you there. In other words, your ability to maintain actionable goals is what stands in the way of you and your dreams.

This goal setting template is the perfect starting point for evaluating your life, and brainstorming your plan for personal growth in the year ahead.