7 Fall Inspired Children’s Books | September 2021

If I’m being honest, this September has held its own special share of challenges. Transitioning into a new schedule, with Justin commuting to work, kicking homeschool into high gear, all while adding extracurricular activities into the mix (soccer + gymnastics). September has been both quiet and busy at the same time.
And, while traditionally this is my absolute favorite time of year, the loss of a beloved family member has shaken our family to the core.
The past two weeks have been extremely difficult for our family as we navigate what life will be like without her here. But thankfully, celebrating Sadie’s birthday brought us all joy that we desperately needed in a very dark time…
I hope September has been kinder to you and those you love…
But, back to the task at hand…at the beginning of the month, I placed our monthly library order, and the 7 listed below are our favorites out of the 17 we requested…
7 Fall Inspired Children's Books
Night Animals (Gianna Marino) – this playful story is sure to be a staple on your kiddo’s bookshelf. This adorable board book lets you follow the animals as they discover the unthinkable about themselves…
Night Animals Need Sleep Too (Gianna Marino) – I requested this book by accident. But, after requesting 16 other library books, I forgot to remove it from my queue, and…I am glad I did. This story is a great follow up to Night Animals. The personality of each character shines throughout this adventure, and a new friend pops in too…
Bear Has a Story to Tell (Phillip C. Stead) – this sweet story shares a snippet of how mouse, duck, frog, and mole prepare before winter settles in. Bear helps his friends, and hopes they can spare some time to hear his story…
The Four Seasons of Brambly Hedge (Jill Barklem) – I discovered/was introduced to this collection at the very beginning of our homeschooling journey. On cue, I request this from the library at every change of season. I should probably just bite the bullet and purchase this one. It truly would be a great gift for any + every child. When you open its pages you’re instantly transported into the happenings of Brambly Hedge. It’s hard not to find yourself getting lost within this beautiful, seasonal story…
Fletcher and the Falling Leaves (Julia Rawlinson) – follow Fletcher as he experiences the shift from late autumn to winter, and how he tries to save his favorite tree. I love the illustrations in this book, and how it captures a moment during the change of season so well.
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf (Lois Ehlert) – with this book in hand, you are sure to learn about the life of a tree. The last few pages share how to identify the parts of a sugar maple tree as well as, how to plant a tree of your very own. An activity sure to leave a lifetime of memories in your child’s heart!
Leaf Man (Lois Ehlert) – this is the first time I picked up this book from the library but, after reading Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf, I knew it would be worth the read. And, we were not disappointed. One thing I know for certain is that each time the wind blows this fall, after most of the leaves have fallen, the girls will be on the lookout for a Leaf Man of their very own.
What is one of your favorite fall inspired children’s books? Make sure to share in the comments!