5 Habits of a Happy Mom

5 Habits of a Happy Mom | danielleravitch.com

|The post 5 Habits of a Happy Mom appeared first on Moonstruck La Vie En Rosé on February 20, 2020|

Hi there, welcome back to the blog! I am one happy mom because it’s Thursday and there is a kids free weekend on the horizon!! Justin and I are definitely looking forward to a little free time. The girls will be sleeping over at my parents house, and Justin and I? Well, the possibilities are endless!!

As of right now, the only thing we have planned is checking out a new BBQ place that just opened in town. And, my dry February restrictions may be lifted for just one night. But, then again with just nine days left in the month, I think I can hold off until March. We’ll see how the weekend goes…

It’s kind of funny that I am talking about shipping off my kids in a post meant to share the habits of a happy mom, lol. But, sometimes mama needs to take advantage of a support network to re-charge. In fact, finding some time for yourself as a mom is just one of the habits mentioned below. So, don’t be afraid to reach out to your loved ones when you need to spend a little time on self-care because it is so worth it!

Now, lets jump into those happy mom habits…

Bonus Read | Make sure to check out this post for more about enjoying the different seasons of motherhood!

How to Be a Happy Mom


Play is one simple way you can grow closer to your family! Being a playful mom doesn’t take a lot of work. You can have a dance party, leave silly notes in your kiddos lunchbox, or play a game!

Sometimes when we are stuck inside, Nora likes to pretend the floor is hot lava. And, we have to use things we find around the house to put in our path to make it to our next destination. Sadie is big into playing with dolls so, we have been getting a lot of use out of the Barbie Dreamhouse that Santa brought them for Christmas.

Play has been our family word of the year since 2019. It made a come back in 2020 because I think we need to play more! That’s because connecting through play has so many benefits.

For our little ones, play enhances their development, and for us adults? Well, it allows us time to fully unplug and just be with our kids. Try setting aside small pockets of time each day to play with your kiddos. It’s a simple way to combat stress, and create some pretty amazing memories in the process!

Be Flexible

This one took awhile for me to learn. After all, it’s hard for a task oriented person to be flexible! There’s a to do list, and it needs to get done, and that only happens if we stay.on.track. I get it!

But I have learned that resistance is futile! It used to stress me out when I did not accomplish all of the tasks on my to do list (like I used to before kids). Then I got realistic with my priorities! I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m still working on the self-compassion part of it all.

Nevertheless, I do like to set my intentions for each day but, I do so knowing that the one constant in motherhood (and in life) is change. And, it is very likely that the list I created may take a few days to accomplish.

Carve Out Time for Yourself

Set that monthly girls night, get that mani/pedi or find a perfect spot to hide in the house to cozy up with that book you’ve been dying to read. “Me time” is crucial in order to be able to show up for your family. Take the time to figure out an activity that lights you up, schedule it on your calendar, and don’t look back!

Be Perfectly Imperfect

There is no such thing as a perfect mom! There I said it. And, you know its true. We all doubt ourselves at some point in the game. Because lets face it, this motherhood thing…it ain’t easy!

The fact that you show up each day, and give your kids the best of you makes you an amazing mom! You know what I mean… the mornings where you seem to spend hours in the kitchen getting everything ready for the day. Make sure everyone is fed, and then realize you’re walking out the door without having breakfast yourself?! Perfectly imperfect 😉

Have An Attitude of Gratitude

Each day make a list, whether its written or a mental note, of at least three things you are grateful for. Practicing gratitude has the ability to improve your happiness, and change your perspective on life.

Over time this simple habit can have profound effects. You can also share this practice with your children to help build their confidence. You can start small by simply asking “what’s the best thing that happened to you today?“.

I’d love to hear about some of your happy habit ideas. Feel free to share in the comments!

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