The Best Wellness Videos on YouTube

Hey, hey! ICYMI this month has been completely dedicated to celebrating family birthdays, holidays, and improving the free wellness downloads I have created to help guide you to better health. I am really interested in your thoughts (love it, hate it or indifferent) so, please feel free to reach out via email or in the comments below. But today, I wanted to share some of my favorite Wellness Videos on YouTube with you…

These videos have been a gamechanger when it comes to mindset. I started cataloguing my favorites at the beginning of the pandemic. So, I am relatively new to the power of YouTube.

On another note, I feel like the pandemic has allowed for a lot of self reflection.  I am beginning to realize how my body responds to seasonal changes, and when its warranted to push myself. But also, when its okay to slow down, rest and recuperate. Spring is one of my absolute favorite seasons. I don’t know about you but for me it’s like at the flick of a switch I come back to life. Even though (as we all know) minute by minute as each day passes, the sun shines a little bit longer, and the temps get warmer. Its a gradual flow forward. 

And, this fantastic combination has everyone in our house ready to race outside and into nature each morning. I mean, it’s hard not to… the benefits of moving back to Long Island? The history, cultural melting pot, and the opportunity to escape into the outdoors. 

But, before anyone is up in the morning, you can find me working my way through a different combination of the videos below. Honestly, it truly depends on what my mind and body needs for that day. Either way, I am happy to share a handful of my favorites right here with you.

So, what do you say, let’s get into my favorite Wellness Videos on YouTube…. 


Affirmations are huge for me. They just help erase any negative thought I might be having at the moment, and force me to find the positive – in myself, in the day, in everything… Listening to this video in the morning can totally change your attitude + outlook.

If you believe in the power of visualization, you need to try this video. Now, fair warning… the narrator claims she loves you… While, that is sweet, I can’t help but feel like this when I hear those last few words…

All of that aside, committing to a practice of visualization (in tandem with manifestation) has the power to push your life forward in the direction you want to go.

This video focuses on breath work to center you, and bring you back to the present moment. It’s perfect if you are faced with a stressful day or a chaotic mind. 


Yoga is fantastic for flexibility, and mind body connection. This video gives you zero excuses to forego your daily practice, even if you are short on time.

Easy Peazy Arm Workout with big results

First things first, I love Rebecca Louise’s energy. She is funny, totally relatable, and if you are getting back into working out, she uses 3 lb weights. I have noticed a difference in the definition in my arms (after routine practice). And yes, I use 3 lb weights too!


Pamela is totally inspiring in her workouts. She combines sets, and music that keep you motivated . The only thing I would change on this video is the strain on your neck because sometimes I can really feel it after a work out. Nonetheless. this is a solid beginner ab workout!

What are some of your favorite wellness videos on YouTube? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,