Here’s How We Spent the Last Two Weeks of 2021

2021 Colorado Hot Springs | Danielle Ravitch

And, we’re back! The last two weeks of 2021 brought our little family on one epic road trip to Colorado.

So, on December 19th at 7 pm, we hit the road. Why did we start our drive at night? Well, anyone who has tried to leave Long Island during the day knows it can be a complete cluster to get out of the city without losing your mind in the process, and we just didn’t want to start our adventure off that way.

Thankfully, we made it to the midtown tunnel within an hour, and out of the Lincoln Tunnel 20 minutes later. Pretty miraculous if you ask me but, due to the fact that I did not get any sleep the night before and was maniacally packing that day, I tapped out of my first (drive) shift only 3 hours later…in Pennsylvania.

That’s when Justin took over, and he took us all the way to Zanesville, Ohio. We were hoping the girls would fall asleep an hour or two into the drive but instead, Nora would randomly proclaim “I’m a champion!” – for staying up for almost the entirety of the first leg. So, in a sense our plan backfired.

While Justin drove a good 6/7 hours, we still didn’t make our first planned stop in Indianapolis. But, to be honest that was an ambitious goal. Next time, I would definitely leave at night to beat rush hour traffic but, have our first stop within 5-6 hours. What’s the longest road trip you have ever taken with your family?

After, our stay in Zanesville, it was smooth sailing into Indianapolis, then Topeka, Kansas, then Colorado Springs, and then finally a small mountain town in central Colorado surrounded by the most beautiful snowcapped mountains.

The majority of our trip was spent exploring neighboring towns, house hunting and of course, wrapped up in holiday festivities. Our absolute highlight was our private pool party at the hot springs. It was 37 degrees, flurries were falling all around us, and our party of 8 was in swimsuits, lounging in the 104 degree water. It was heaven. If you ever get the chance to enjoy hot springs in the winter, do not pass it up.


Goodbye 2021! A New Year means a new chapter. I hope 2022 is an incredible part of your story!

Also, if you ever find yourself in Topeka, Kansas, you need to stay at the Cyrus Hotel or just grab drinks and dinner. Each room we stayed in was beautiful, well appointed, and very comfortable. The restaurant was delicious. And, we were warmly welcomed by everyone we encountered.

If all goes well, we will be making another trip west in the upcoming months. But next time, we plan to spend a bit more time in each destination instead of driving right through.  After a lovely time in Colorado, we made it back home to New York in the last half hour of New Year’s Day. We decided to drive all the way in from Indianapolis.

It was a crazy move but, also a good move because Sadie, Nora and I all came down with a horrible sinus infection. We’ve been fighting it off for the past few days and I think in a day or two, we will be completely in the clear. Something about going from 7,000 feet above sea level to just 450 feet didn’t seem to agree with our bodies this time around…

Well, that’s a small update from me until my next post goes live on Sunday. Get ready for a deliciously simple recipe headed your way. I hope your 2021 holidays went off without a hitch, and you were able to spend some quality time with your loved ones. Happy 2022 to you!

Until next time,