Goals for the New Year | 2022

A new year is upon us, and with that comes limitless opportunity to take one step closer to the life of our dreams. To be honest, each and every day is filled with the same limitless opportunity. But, there’s just something about the New Year that lights a fire under a lot of us.
For me, the New Year is the spark needed to recalibrate, to write out some goals, and set intentions for achieving them. So, with hopes of holding myself accountable for the goals I have set for myself, I wanted to share them here with you. I’ll be sharing my goals for: career, education, family, artistic, mindset, physical, and public service.
In the past, I have been a bit of a flip flopper when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes I dive in with a vague idea of what I would like to accomplish, and others I swear off resolutions as the bain of my existence. What about you? Where do you stand when it comes to resolutions?
I know my love/hate relationship with resolutions doesn’t really get me far; my ideas always seem to slip into memory, forgotten… until my enthusiasm is ramped up again at the cusp of a New Year. So, this year I am going to try to enlist the S.M.A.R.T. goal framework, instead of letting my goals fizzle out before truly getting underway.
This framework is not a new one by any means but, in true fashion, I am a late adopter of any new idea or product. Oftentimes, letting kinks work themselves out before testing the waters on my own. What I like about the S.M.A.R.T. goal framework is that it forces you to dive deeper into your goals.
For example, instead of leaving your resolution at “I want to lose weight”. This framework encourages you to be specific about your goal weight. Create a brief plan about how you will achieve, and track your progress toward this goal. Next, you write down how this objective is crucial to your personal development. And finally, set a deadline for when you will accomplish your goal. Or, a target date to evaluate your efforts and pivot if need be.
There are further examples on how to I have worked through this process with my goals for 2022 below. But, before diving into this task that will steer you through the next 12 months, I encourage you to take some time for a yearly review. This exercise will allow you to reflect on the past year, and is a great starting point to prepare for the year ahead.

Specific: I want to consistently hit 50,000 page views per month on the blog. I would like to reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers.
Measureable: I will keep track of my analytics monthly, and pivot as needed.
Achievable: I will publish at least 2 new blog posts a week, and two new vlogs a week on my YouTube channel. I will use Pinterest to promote my content, as well as build a community of bloggers and vloggers to support.
Relevant: This goal fits into my key responsibilities as a mom, and homemaker. Each post will be geared toward natural living, and creating a wholesome home.
Time-bound: Target date for 50,000 page views per month – July 1, 2022. Target date for 1,000 subscribers – by December 2022.
Specific: Finish purchased courses, and read 2 books each month on personal mastery and leadership.
Measurable: I will set aside time each week to complete one module of my purchased course. I will incorporate reading as a part of my morning and nightly routine.
Achievable: I will read for at least 10 minutes or at least 10 pages each day. I will complete 1 module each week of my first purchased course.
Relevant: Reading books on personal mastery and leadership will give me the tools and inspiration I need to grow as an individual. Completing my purchased course will afford me the opportunity to expand upon my knowledge of my business.
Time-bound: I will read two new books each month, and share what I have learned here on the blog. I will finish my first purchased course by the end of the first quarter of 2022.
Specific: I want to improve my photography and videography skills. Secondly, I would like to finger knit my very first blanket. Lastly, I would like to take the steps to learn how to make more food from scratch.
Measureable: I will gage my progress by the deadlines I set in the time-bound section below.
Achievable: I will take part in a photography challenge like this one. I will challenge myself with each vlog I create to shoot from a different perspective and/or fine tune the skills I have already learned. Secondly, each week I will set aside time to work on my goal to finger knit my very first blanket. Lastly, each week I will attempt to make one family favorite recipe from scratch (like pancakes).
Relevant: Working on my photography and videography goals will help to improve my blog and YouTube channel, to widen my reach and grow a community. Finger knitting a blanket will give me a healthy hobby, and allow me to create a cozy, wholesome home. Making food from scratch will lessen the amount of processed foods my family eats, and improve our health and wellness in the process.
Time-bound: By the end of the first quarter, I will complete 1 finger knit blanket, and perfect 5 “from scratch” recipes for my family to enjoy. I will share my photo challenge assignments on the blog quarterly as well. As for videography, I would like to hit 500 YouTube subscribers by the end of the first quarter.
Specific: I want to lose 20 pounds.
Measureable: I will keep track of my weight, and keep a food journal to track my progress.
Achievable: I will run 3x each week, develop an integrative nutrition meal plan, and work out my core, legs and arms 3x each week.
Relevant: Physical exercise provides mental clarity, boosts mood, and improves energy.
Time-bound: To achieve my goal of losing 20 pounds, I will sign up for a half marathon in May of this year. (Side note: I just received word I was accepted to a half marathon in the Hamptons, and have never run anything over a 5k. This should be interesting, and surely will be motivation to stick to a workout and meal plan).

Specific: I want to volunteer at the food pantry and or animal shelter once a month (this may prove troublesome due to current restrictions).
Measureable: Evaluate efforts and opportunities monthly.
Achievable: Check in with local organizations at the end of each month to determine if there are opportunities in the month ahead.
Relevant: To achieve my goal of volunteering each month, I will calendar time to check in local organizations for available opportunities.
Time-bound: If opportunities are not made available by the end of the first quarter, find other organizations to volunteer for.
Specific: I want to develop my relationship with family as a unit and individually.
Measurable: I will create time on my calendar for a mommy daughter date, a date night with Justin, and a fun family outing too.
Achievable: One half -day each week will be set aside to develop family relationships.
Relevant: Spend quality time together, help the girls feel more happy and secure, and strengthen family bonds.
Time-bound: Re-evaluate after three months.
Specific: I will reduce digital distraction, and work daily on a positive, growth mindset.
Measurable: I will create tech free zones throughout my day.
Achievable: I will find ways to become less tech dependent. I will meditate daily to clear my head.I will read affirmations, write my SMART goals as if I have already achieved them, and read two books each month on personal mastery and leadership.
Relevant: My strong desire to live life as a beacon of calm, and positivity for my loved ones.
Time – bound: Evaluate progress monthly.
Specific: I want to explore more and have more adventures with the girls.
Measurable: I’ll know this is accomplished when we visit more places or go on more field trips.
Achievable: Set aside every Friday for field trips.
Relevant: I want the girls to understand that learning is fully immersive and a life-long experience. I want us to collect the memories of experiencing new places and things together.
Time-bound: I will evaluate our efforts by the end of the first quarter.
Onto step 3, after completing this yearly review and reflection, and planning out your S.M.A.R.T. goals, it’s time to organize your goals so you can optimize your daily calendar.
At this point, I comb through my S.M.A.R.T. goals listed above, and simply determine what I would like to accomplish daily, weekly, quarterly…you get the idea. And, enter all of that information in the proper box on the sheet above.
For example, one of my daily goals is to read for at least 10 minutes. So, I need to find a consistent time in my calendar to accomplish this goal. I usually like to read when I first wake up or right before bed. So, this goal will become a part of my morning and/or nightly routine.
Example two, one of my weekly goals is to go for a run three times a week. During quarantine this was easy to schedule. With Justin working remotely I was able to accomplish this goal first thing in the morning. But now, I have to get a little more creative when it comes to scheduling this fitness goal. The time I need to accomplish this goal may not fit into my calendar on the same day and time each week.
To be honest, juggling an ever changing calendar is the trickiest part. So, having your goals listed out on the sheet above will be great to have on hand when planning for the week ahead. You can simply lay it beside your calendar, and see where you can carve out the time for each goal.
But, before tackling your dynamic calendar, be sure to take some time to create your vision board for 2022. Visualization can be a major component to motivate you to achieve your goals. This post shares my vision board process.
Now, it’s your turn. What’s something you would like to accomplish this year?