Get lost at Adventureland – Long Island Life

Adventureland | Danielle Ravitch

It’s crazy to think of how many years it’s been since I’ve visited Adventureland. I grew up on the Suffolk/Nassau border so; this theme park was always a quick ride away. And as kids, my siblings, friends and I, often tried to convince our parents to take us there for a summer afternoon.

Sometimes we won, and every time that led to an epic summer day!

So many memories…like riding the looping star 40 times in a row, losing a flip flop while on the wave or hearing a grown man scream like a little girl while on the pirate ship. Well, that one actually happened last week, when we took Nora and Sadie there for their first time (on Nora’s 7th birthday). 

And, the tradition continues…

How many rides are at Adventureland?

There are 27 rides at Adventureland, including three water rides. And, you can ride all of them as long as you are 48” tall. Nora just made the cut. But Sadie, at 42” tall required a parent to ride along, and to her disappointment she missed out on the more thrilling rides. Check out Sadie on the Alfie Swings below, her face says it all…

Adventureland 1 | Danielle Ravitch

Ahhh, we all go through that at some point in our lives, am I right? But, the great thing about Adventureland is that they also have thrilling rides for the kiddos that don’t yet meet the height requirements. Well, as long as there is a ready, willing and able adult to answer the call.

Now that we went over just how many rides there are at this Long Island Amusement Park, let’s talk about which rides are our favorite: Sadie loves The Rattlesnake Coaster. I lost count of how many rides Justin and I went on with Sadie during our trip. She loved it!

Unsurprisingly, Nora + Justin liked the Pirate Ship. I say unsurprisingly because they rode it at least 4 times! Starting in the middle and slowly working their way towards the back (row). I’m glad they still have this ride, the wave and the Musik Express. Our childhood stories come to life for our own children when we can share the same experiences.

As for me? I loved the (new to me) Turbulence Coaster. It took the place of the Hurricane. The ride I thought Nora and I were destined for when I staked claim on Nora’s first Adventureland rollercoaster ride…silly me.

The Turbulence Coaster is shockingly, equal parts fun, and fast. Oh, and it’s over in a heartbeat!

Nora and I saved this ride for the end. I know if we rode the coaster earlier, we would have spent most of our time on line all day, along with the campers that came to enjoy the park on that cloudy, summer day.


Open Since...

Since 1962, Adventureland has been unassuming at first glance. But, you and your family are destined to make memories from the very instant you step foot inside this amusement park.


I need to know, what’s your all-time favorite Adventureland ride (past or present)?